in #atlantico6 years ago

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The medicinal world is brimming with irregularities. Some well-fabricated clinics can be discovered needing in their social insurance conveyances; while the normal ones will go the additional mile in conveying the best human services inside their extension. Sadly, we tend to pay more for these poor social insurance conveyances, and think about the reasonable evaluating for quality human services conveyances; costly.

In the Pharmaceutical line; we have differing item characteristics and valuing, owing to fake creations, discrete dispersion chains, poor openness, and fluctuated attention/promoting cost, and so forth.

As though these issues aren't sufficient; the medical coverage segment is capable to seeing calculated difficulties, inferable from a framework that is inadequate in straightforwardness and perplexed by the unscrupulousness of a few accomplices in the medicinal services framework; giving them practically no alternative than to play along.

The in straightforwardness and difficulties happening to the framework are likely going to leave the patients to look for medicinal considerations arbitrarily, paying comparable bill for a differing human services quality.

The above expressed abberations have brought about varying general visibility of the wellbeing segment; and prompts up the asking of some essential questionings, for example,

How might one become acquainted with the wellbeing foundation that reflects quality?

In what capacity can those wellbeing organizations that are aware of significant worth; get to the required skilled hands, hardware and medications, at a reasonable valuing, to help their objectives?

By what method can the pharmaceutical anchor conveyances be outfit to plot out the low quality ones; energize the standard ones, and still get them at sensible costs?

How would we guarantee that the genuine medications do get to the correct goals without offering space to the presentation of fakes?

How would we enthrone a protection segment, without extortion?

These difficulties and different issues will require quality answers for give the required answer. To these difficulties, we tend not to look any further as we as of now have an answer set up.



ATLANTICO Network is a clever advancement that was imagined years prior, and is being conveyed to realization kindness of some expert back end designers, current and progressing concurrences with a few individuals from the wellbeing, protection and pharmaceutical divisions. This is gone for enthroning an elevated requirement of wellbeing conveyance.

To convey these advancements, we should formally present the ATLANTICO Network.


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Atlantico arrange

Atlantico Network is a decentralized blockchain stage, joining the medicinal, pharmaceutical, health care coverage benefit and the patients; in a streamlined and intelligent way. The following is an advance into brief reviews that are realistic from the taking part segments, on the stage.

Therapeutic SECTOR

In this segment, the therapeutic experts are required to store the patient's medicinal finding, demands, meds, conclusion, solutions, and so on in the decentralized record. Along these lines, the patient's record can be envisioned by other therapeutic clients of the stage subsequently; encouraging simple treatment of the patients and the showcase of the specialist's execution on the stage, for evaluations.

This will empower the most qualified therapeutic experts to show signs of improvement openings for work, in front of their associates; filling in as a reminder for those living beneath standard. The restorative appraisals are not limited to the staff, but rather additionally the therapeutic focuses; making it feasible for patients to effortlessly spot and disparage the trustworthy ones.


In the pharmaceutical area, the Atlántico system will join the makers, wholesalers, and the drug specialists; with the restorative word. This they'll do through the production network, till it gets to the end clients.

The effects of the medications are additionally observed through client evaluations on the blockchain; serving in a roundabout way as a promoting instrument for the makers of medications with higher efficacies, and checkmating the deluge of fakes in such manner. This will assist the restorative field with accessing quality items at a moderate cost.


With the Atlantico stage, the insurance agencies will have the capacity to get to a straightforward valuing of medicinal administrations and the medication organizations; helping them to effortlessly sift through the deceitful components tormenting the health care coverage framework. They will likewise have coordinate correspondence with their purchasers.

The straightforward idea of the procedure will profit the protection houses through the cost cutting of the items and administrations, guaranteeing higher net revenue for them.


Of all the Atlantico, blockchain clients; the patient seems indispensable as different segments presence can be owed to their reality. In spite of the situation, patients still think that its difficult to pick quality restorative offices to get great incentive for their cash. This is the thing that the Atlantico blockchain task will improve the situation them; giving the required information that will empower patients to pick therapeutic focuses or specialist that has quality and great valuing to offer.

This idea can be constrained under the medical coverage plan, as the protection spreads may confine the subjects to a less decisions of restorative offices. In any case, the ball lies in the patient's court on whether to proceed with such a supplier; switch suppliers or move outside of the protection cover.


The stage will come similarly as with a web and versatile interface; empowering clients to convey and trade information with others; rate products and enterprises; through a decentralized application on the NEM blockchain, as represented beneath.

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Innovation structure

Each patient's conclusion, demands, meds, determination, remedies, and so forth will be recorded in the blockchain record, available for appraisals, audits, and future examination. As a blockchain based application, ATLANTICO embraced the NEM blockchain organize for an improved speed and reasonableness.

Access to the stage, voter rating, and so forth will be encouraged through the stage's essential token called, the "ATL" Tokens (Mosaic standard). The token will likewise fill in as a methods for getting profits for benefits, and can without much of a stretch be changed over to Fiat cash, on the trades.

In these advancements, the portable application will add the required adaptability to the framework, with profitable functionalities as represented underneath:

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Versatile application

This will make it simple and more open to utilize.


The Atlántico organize has been in presence since 1987, planning organizations, appropriate from genuine bequests to eatery organizations. Points of interest of the brand's course of events can be seen beneath.

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The Roadmap

From the showed, the venture is as of now at the ICO organize, exhibiting a one of a kind open door for conceivable financial specialist deal.

A softcap of $3 million dollars and a hardcap of $15Million dollars are a piece of the differing targets.

1 ATL token has been pegged at an ICO cost of 0.0001, ether; and can be bought with Bitcoin, Litecoin, Bitcoin Cash, Neo, Nem, and TRON.

Toward the finish of the ICO, the raised store will be circulated along these lines:

Without hitting the trade yet, the group can be connected to the blockchain innovation patent that is right now been sent. Another of their effect can be credited to the huge commitment to a solid human life and the medicinal/pharmaceutical world when all is said in done.

Having given this concise presentation, anticipate other of my audits that will be focused on the TGE and the plan of action of the Atlantico Network, Real lifescenarios and individual examination of the stage.


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