I heard from channelers like Bashar mention that all this heat and ice melting will expose another lost civilization which we would identify as Atlantis. He also said you wouldn't have to worry about the sea level rising crazy either.
All of it will be seen because just about all the ice will be melted. Which will expose everything! Just imagine seeing another lost civilization, that would be so amazing!
A book called "The Complete Ascension Manual; How to Achieve Ascension In This Lifetime" Has a chapter on Atlantis and the history of it which goes in great detail with some specific things during Atlantis. Thanks to @dennilovejoy for this great book!
I will show the chapter here for you to read, its very interesting!
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Dang it! I should have checked to see if someone else did Atlantis Antarctica.
Oh well.
Antarctica Atlantis Awakening
That would be surprising. Only if it did not raise sea level.
However, when the Arctic and / or Antarctic thaw, they release diseases that have been frozen for centuries and even millennia, and which, because they lack the necessary antibodies, are deadly to humans.