With these heavily Photoshop-ed images, and the maps below, it seems completely reasonable to pronounce that Atlantis was a spaceport, servicing the Milky Way and surrounding galaxies.
According to a physicist from an ivy league city college, there is strong evidence supporting that what we know as Atlantis, from historical (not fictional) records, created by wannabe seafaring individuals, Atlantis was located .. not where the map below places it ..
.. but rather, in the Baltic Sea, which is where images 1 & 2 were supposedly acquired.
We see that this is the ideal location for a spaceport, as it is safe from tsunami.
Artist's rendering based on carbon-dated ocean-bottom droppings ...
The reason we can not find remnants of the structure today, is because, like all well-designed spaceports of that era, it was a spaceship itself, albeit a very large one. Experts believe it may have relocated to the dark side of the moon during the ice age, but from there we can only guess where it may have gone.
The truth is out there!
But it is boring, so it's much better to make things up, and it will prepare you for a career as a politician.
pffft LOL
Thats quite the story, lol