Malam puisi

in #atomy-p15 years ago

Malam Puisi

Ikatan Guru Indonesia(IGI) Lhokseumawe mengadakan acara baca puisi di kafe Platinum. Diketuai oleh Jhon Dermawan IGI Lhoseumawe aktif dalam gerakan Literasi. Pak Jhon Dermawan mengungkapkan bahwa peanugerahan puisi pada beberapa guru berprestasi dalam menulis adalah bentuk apresiasi terhadap guru dan dunia kepenulisan.
Selain itu juga ada pembacaan puisi yang dibacakan oleh anak-anak sekolah, komunitas sastra dan beberapa sastrawan kota Lhokseumawe dan Aceh Utara. Pada malam Puisi itu terlihat antusias anak-anak kota Lhoseumawe yang sangat besar. Mereka memenuhi kafe Platinum demi mendengar dan menyaksikan pembacaan puisi.

Salah seorang pembaca Puisi yang bernama Resyi Azhari (@Resyiazhari) mengatakan malam puisi yang diselenggarakan oleh Ikatan Guru Indonesia itu hal yang sangat bagus. apalagi selama ini kita jarang sekali melihat panggung pertunjukan Sastra yang notabenenya adalah wadah anak muda menyalurkan bakat dalam bidang seni sastra. Tentu ini perlu diapresiasikan banyak orang bahkan oleh pemerintah Aceh sendiri, begitu ungkapnya.


Night poetry

Indonesian Teacher Association (IGI) Lhokseumawe held a poetry reading event at the Platinum Café. Chaired by Jhon Dermawan IGI Lhoseumawe is active in the literacy movement. Mr. Jhon Dermawan revealed that the poetry award at some of the teachers ' achievement in writing is a form of appreciation for the teacher and the writing world.
In addition, there are poetry readings read by school children, literary communities and some of Lhokseumawe and North Aceh literature. On the night of the poem it looks enthusiastic the children of the city Lhoseumawe very large. They filled the Platinum café to hear and watch poetry readings.

IMG_20200223_214032.jpgOne of the readers of poetry named Resyi Azhari (@Resyiazhari) said the night of poetry held by the Indonesian Association of Teachers was a very good thing. Especially during this time we rarely see the stage of literary performances that Notabenenya is a container of young people channeling talent in the field of literary art. Of course, this needs to be a lot of people, even by the ACEH government itself, so he said.


햅복한 시간을 가지셨군요. 축하드립니다. 나는 인도네시아를 사랑하는 한국에 시인 입니다. 나는 문화교류에 관심이 많습니다.

고맙습니다 선생님. 한국 작가와 만날 수 있어서 매우 기쁘고, 믿을 수 있는 작가들이 많이 있습니다. 문화를 배경으로 한 영화에도 관심이 있으신가요?

당연히 있습니다. 스팀이 예전처럼 좋아지면 인도네시아 스팀 유저를 기반으로 하여 지역간 문화 교류를 추진해볼 생각을 늘 가지고 있습니다. 지금은 다운 보팅으로 진행할수있는 프로젝트가 없습니다. 나에게 인도네시아를 알게해준 친구도 만나고 싶네요.

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