Running Commentary - Yawn

in #attention7 years ago

Once upon a time, long ago, before the days of Snapchat, Facebook and Instagram, there were people. These people lived in houses, went to work, the gym, restaurants, drove cars and slept (among all the other things).
They raised their children, had BBQs with friends, laughed, cried and lived their lives, as any person does.

Doesn't sound that different from what people are up to these days but there is one HUGE difference... The Running Commentary...

With access to all the social media outlets our vain, attention seeking hearts desire, it seems like a lot of people now think that everyone wants to know exactly what they're doing. And when and where they're doing it. ALSO every single thing they ate, what it looked like out the other end, how many times they breathed and what colour undies they're wearing 😂😂😂

What happened to privacy and leaving some things to the imagination?!
I get that sometimes people have shit days or a shit week and post things for a quick fix of reassurance that they're not the only ones.. Totally get that!
The odd brag post is totally forgiven too coz I think we're all entitled to a couple of those.
And obviously the big achievements in people's lives or the awesome things their kids are up to are an exception. Everyone loves seeing someone gain a qualification, get married, have babies, buy their first home or going to see Adele in concert (jealous asf by the way 😱) etc.

But I'm talking about the DAILY, HOURLY, TO THE MINUTE updates.. Oh shit, the fact you mowed your lawns or cleaned your toilet?? Wow, round of applause!! That's the kind of epic stuff that only happens once in a lifetime so obviously it has to be shared... And shared again the next time... And the next time 😒
You cooked your family dinner?! Hold the phone, that's insane!! And you even shared a picture of it too?! Like you did last night?? Soooo considerate!
Oh and what about that piece of toast from Monday's breakfast? Yea, the one with peanut butter AND jam... You're so crazy! 😱😂😐

I don't even really know what people are hoping to achieve by sharing the most mundane aspects of their lives day after day?
Likes? Congratulations? A sense of achievement for doing all the things that literally EVERYONE else does every day too?
I hung out my washing today, fuck I'm awesome, better chuck that on Facebook! 😂😂😂😂

Trust me (unless they're those two die hard fans of yours who like every single thing you post regardless of the content) no one feels the need to read a list of chores you completed today or every other day. Coz chances are, they've been doing the exact same mundane shit, but had the good sense to know it wasn't reeeeeeally worthy of a post on Instagram ✊😂😂😂17498503_619564721571081_4137505931773765888_n.jpg


Lol I love that cage rage moment

Haha that face tho