People always ask....can a plugin clone compare to the actual hardware? Well, Kroeger Music took the time on youtube to show you the difference between 1176 plugins vs. a hardware Warm Audio 1176 clone. Apart from what Kroeger's video will show you, I will personally tell you there is a difference and you should def take the time to eventually buy a hardware version if the subtle difference really makes that much of a difference to you. For me, I use both 1176 plugins and the Warm Audio WA76 hardware clone. I essentially use the Warm Audio WA76 to track. I use a small amount of compression on vocals or instruments on the way into my interface while recording and printing. Once I have the track recorded, I will use more compression plugins on the track when mixing, but the tracking compression of the hardware allows the sound to be warmer, creamier, and a little more upfront in the mix. Take a look at Kroeger's example video, and learn for yourself. If that difference is important to you, you can easily buy a wa76 for low cost of 599.99 compared to 2 grand + for the original 1176 versions. In my opinion, the 599.99 price tag is well worth it.