Every day that passes for organizations it is essential that the internal audit must adjust to all business needs in order to efficiently manage the critical risks of its operations in relation to credit lines granted to customers..

On the other hand, it is very important to be able to recognize the benefits of managing clear policies in the administration of accounts receivable, as well as to offer management possible alternatives for changes or improvements to the resources or tangible goods that are destined for their sales operations, which represent the basic and primary source for obtaining their income.
Therefore, within the internal audit work, the evaluation and review of the items that make up each and every one of the financial statements is performed, being one of them the accounts receivable, which is undoubtedly one of the most important, after granting a credit to third parties, as well as to the employees of the same organization.

Now accounts receivable are one of the sources of income par excellence of any company, which generates financial resources for the fulfillment of its commitments to third parties and also allows management to make investments if required in the short, medium and long term, according to the needs of maintenance and expansion of the company.