My interest in Augmented Reality

in #augmentedreality7 years ago

Earlier today I uploaded two videos to Dtube

The reason I uploaded and shared these videos, was not only because Ádám Horváth’s video pushed my interests deeper into the world of AR, but because ARtoolkit becoming open source and UE4 grabbing it was a huge leapstone for indie development.

My interests in AR first started during a Hololens presentation and showcase. Back then I was fascinated and in awe struck, but I also didn’t see any sign in me being able to even protype or develop anything around that time. Also a lot of community and public discouragement. A Few years even later I discover vuforia, which is great because in college we use Unity for everything and vuforia lets you use for free long as you are prototyping but anything outside of that became so pricey that it scared off a lot of indie development. Then one day I saw Ádám Horváth’s video, and found out how more and more SDKs were becoming open source, gaining easier and easier access to AR development.

Without Delay I began downloading and using ARtookits for UE4 and then later began using ARcore. Now I only own an android and I sure didn’t have the money for no headset device, so made my own cardboard headset (Below)


Yes it looks janks but I didn’t care about the looks, what I cared about was having my hands free so I could use “Tools” using image detection. The Cardboard stick with a red triangle would spawn an image, allowing me to manipulate the other image using scripting and basing collision detection behind the scenes through unity. It works for now, I keep telling myself, because the reality is I want and will have the hololens by the end of this year, so I can further develop my design skills through AR using their SDK and powerful hardware.

One example of a future project I am working on, partnering up with my wife, is a ASL translating application. Using gesture tracking and subtitles.

The main reason I want something as strong as hololens, or rather I am just interested in AR all together. 3D modeling and animation. I have always been a tech guy but cursed with the need to physically work. Modeling in a 3D environment in realtime is an absolute dream come true. So much so that even with my junkie cardboard and Blu phone. I tried to recreate this

Courtesy of Ashok Mathew Kuruvilla

Anyways thank you for taking the time to read this post, and I hope you follow me in my adventure in become a strong developer in the world of Augmented Reality! Any content related to AR will most likely be uploaded, and once I get greater tech, I will begin reviews of and discussions as additional content.

Donation for future AR tech and development is always welcome!
Bitcoin- 16QngEgnFiKQRcuzgrFr577dKVw3NFmd5W
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