This month's haul ended on a dramatic note. Yesterday after we got done at a local thrift store I realized that I had lost my debit card for my bank account. As I stood dumbfounded at the register at Ollie's when the reality hit me that my card is lost. I tried to trace my steps backward without hyperventilating in the store and requiring medical treatment. After going back to the thrift store and discovering the card isn't there either, we went to the bank for the dreaded reporting the card lost and backtracking my last transaction. Luckily, that was the easy part. We got some money moved around and withdrew the amount needed to fix my car tomorrow. I will then have new breaks all the way around. Yeah! Identity theft is no joke y'all. I can do an amazing amount of damage to someone's life.
Anyway, let's get to the haul. The first haul I got our snack items which should last about a week if we manage them carefully. We had two-party size bags of Cheetos regular and puffs. Those are my daughter's favorite. Both were $3.98 each. At Kroger, they are five dollars each. Doritos are $2.5 each again at Kroger, almost $4 each. I got the store brand of Alieve. I don't buy name brand nothing if I don't have to. I simply won't do it. Dr. Pepper is $6.98 plus $2.10 for the MI deposit. Thank you, Michigan. That comes out to $.10 each can when you turn them into the bottle room at the grocery store. No, you can't take Sam's brand to Kroger or Kroger store brand to Wal-Mart. Those items have to go back to the original store. If your state does this, please comment below. Seriously sharp cheese from Vermont, Yummy!!! That was $2.78. I love this cheese in grilled cheese or quesadillas. Then there was 3 Muskateers and Rice Krispy Treat bar. Don't go to the store until after you have had breakfast kiddies. Toilet paper, $14 for a month's supply I know Leisa Sutton would have a fit if she saw that. Dish soap for $2.78 that should last a month or so. I almost for the flea stuff for Sarge, $4.98 for dogs of 5 to 15 lbs. He's worth it...
The second part of the haul. Roman at $1.44 this is a staple around any home with teenagers. Blue Cheese dressing, I originally planned on making this from scratch however, losing my card just put me in a funk so we bought it at $3.98. It will last a couple weeks then we will buy the cheese and make the dressing because, yes, I already have everything to make it. Pressed orange juice which is $1.00 which isn't bad considering its orange juice and nothing else. Teen approved and loved so much she bought another bottle today. Two different smoothies one is Mange Pineapple Colada and the other is Strawberry. They are $1.94. Popcorn Shrimp/Chicken $2.50 each. Not the best thing in the world be a good me hold over till dinner. Mango marked down at $1.95. She devoured like a savage. I didn't even get a smell of it. Of course, cat litter was essential at $4.98 a box who can argue with that. That is it today we picked up ahead of lettuce at Aldi's. Which brings me to the disappointing news about their canning jars, the jars are made by Crofton. I have used Crofton glass products before and didn't have a great experience. As for the starter kit, that looked good. As for the water bath canner, I would be careful again. Just go to Wal-Mart and get the jars and starter kit. If you see this and you've had great luck with Crofton glass products please post below I would love to hear your success story.
The video will be at
in an hour.
Sounds like you had a good time shopping! I hate shopping, but being single, I have no one to pawn that chore off to do. Sorry you lost your debit card. That really sucks. I was not able to watch your video. Guess YouTube got mad about something. Maybe check out DTube to post your videos?
Anyway, stumbled on you post and thought I would give it a read. Thank you so much for sharing your day.
Have a great weekend!