No i face palmed you because you think a currency is written in php. I did read amd he clearly says java. Php is for the output. Obviously you cant wrote a fork and node in php. Most use c++ I think you can use java bit he is talking about a java kernal. This display error just means the target can ot be found in the specific directory. You see thst error alot when you stsrt making website interfaces. For a normal page you will just use .html not .php so if you want to use an api you have to have a .php
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He uses php, java and mysql together - and the website IS the wallet.
Its also far from the first currency written in php, see neoscoin for a 2014 php-only coin.
Ive been coding since I was a kid and have read the source code of at least dozens if not hundreds of shitcoins.
I have more trouble decyphering your responses, then the php error. If this isnt a language barrier could you try reading your own responses first because this is painful to read, and after looking at your comment history it doesnt get better..