This picture may not seem like much to some but to me it says a lot. With politics today there is a line, imaginary or not. There's left and there's right. I want to stomp out and ERASE that line. There doesn't need to be a line! We need to unite and see that regardless of race, creed, religion, sexual orientation, piercings, tattoos we are HUMAN! We are amazing creatures! We have so much love, kindness, compassion, integrity, LIGHT and goodness in us.
Let's stop judging others and trying to find the differences between us. Let's stand shoulder-to-shoulder and unite with a common goal that we want this planet to be a better place. We want to help usher in this great Awakening with understanding and acceptance.
I'm showing this picture because regardless of if we want to admit it or not there is a bias and prejudice against people and how they look. I can relate to this girl-she has gauges in her ears she has her septum pierced she doesn't look like the "typical conservative." And this is my whole point. Barriers need to be broken down. We stand together as one. Stop judging and looking at the outside of someone. I have many piercings and tattoos and do not fit in any "mold." FUCK THE MOLD! We're breaking it!
I'm sharing about this because as someone who doesn't fit into a box. My point is there doesn't need to be a box. Let's stop the stigma of EVERYTHING and see that WE ARE ALL ONE!
And well said.
There is no line actually... just the illusion projected by deceivers.

You're on the right track though... you just need a Staff!
trump is pro vaccine - he is buddies with the Clintons - a frequent flyer on Jeffrey Epstein's plane - he's simply the current front man for the el-ites to create chaos - government IS SLAVERY