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Here's the Text from Black Ops 101 - The Dark Truth About the CIA


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Black Ops 101 - The Dark Truth About the CIA.mp4
[00:00:00] Welcome, everyone, to black ops, one or one today, we are going to be
discussing covert operations and exposing some dark secrets about the CIA going through
lots of material today to try and paint you the big picture of the conspiracy that Q is
designed to get rid of this episode. I'll be explaining how the CIA uses terrorists and
criminals as assassins, how they fund black ops almost exclusively with heroin and human
trafficking, how John McCain was the secret kingpin, how the corrupt news media has
always turned a blind eye, and how CIA black ops enabled a bunch of worthless European
royals to conquer the United States. Our first topic for today is assassins. Assassins have
shaped much of world history from ancient times to modern politics. They've been used to
provoke wars, staged coups, derail competitors and suppress or steal scientific
innovations whether they care to admit it or not, every leader of every country has
assassins they can call if they need to. But no one has more assassins than the CIA and
MI6. The first thing any assassin needs to be successful is a good cover or good disguise.
Freemasonry is one of the oldest forms of cover for assassins.
[00:01:11] Back in the day, cities were much smaller and nobody except rich people and
royals really traveled, meaning it was really hard to go somewhere new without being
immediately noticed and talked about by everyone. So in order to get access to foreign
targets, it was easiest to use Freemasons as cover experts, stonemasons, subcontractors
who traveled together wherever they're building skills were needed at a given time while
Freemasons still exist and some of their symbols are still used as signals by British and
American intelligence services, they are rarely used as actual cover anymore.
[00:01:47] For most of the last century, American assassins use diplomats, aid
organizations and religious missions as cover. That's why the CIA is organized into the
State Department. University professors, multinational corporations and touring musicians
have also been used as cover for intelligence operatives throughout our nation's history,
both the advent of smartphones, social media and video surveillance and A.I., these
covers have become nearly impossible to pull off. That's why intel agencies have shifted to
indirect assassination methods like using terrorist gangs, mass shooters and acts of God.
Indirect assassination methods have been around for a long time, but they are usually only
used in sensitive cases, like the anarchists who provoked World War One by killing
Archduke Ferdinand and the iceberg, quote unquote, that took down the Titanic, killing
several business moguls that were impeding the establishment of the corrupt US Federal
Reserve. These days, with all the technology we have in direct assassination, methods
have become standard procedure, which is pretty scary if you think about it, because
indirect assassination methods often involve not just killing the target, but lots of innocent
bystanders as well. Some examples of indirect assassinations would be the Saudi
terrorists on 9/11, the sabotage Boeing planes that crashed in Ethiopia and Indonesia, the
Los Vegas concert shooter at Mandalay Bay and the MS 13 narco children that shot Seth
Rich all are examples of meticulously planned intelligence ops, not just random, tragic
events. They are officially described to be. Many people refer to those tragedies as inside
jobs, which is technically false because the CIA is technically forbidden from conducting
operations on American soil.
[00:03:41] So they launder their criminality by outsourcing the operations conducted here
to foreign intel services like MI6, foreign intel services that have diplomatic immunity so
they legally can't be prosecuted no matter what they do, as well as unrestrained,
warrantless access to all of our calls, emails, text messages and location data through an
incredibly shady intelligence sharing agreement we have with them called Five Eyes since
nineteen forty seven. MI6 and the CIA have scratched each other's backs by using these
outrageous legal loopholes to tee off on each other's quote unquote problematic domestic
political opponents, problematic American leaders like President John F. Kennedy,
Attorney General Bobby Kennedy, and civil rights leaders Malcolm X and Martin Luther
King Jr. and problematic Anglosphere leaders like Australian Prime Minister Harold Holt
and British MP Jo Cox, to name just a few.
[00:04:46] So that's a little bit about cover. Now on to funding sources. Throughout history,
opium, a.k.a. heroin, has been a key funding source of clandestine operations, especially
European history. Over the past few hundred years, House Veton, the medieval royal
bloodline that secretly controls the world, has used opium and human trafficking to finance
their brutal imperial endeavors.
[00:05:13] Their use of opium as a weapon of war goes back to the days of the Pirates of
the Caribbean when there was an intense rivalry going between Britain and Spain for
dominance of the Americas in the fifteen hundreds. The original Queen Elizabeth was
feeling left behind, so she authorized a practice called Privateering, which essentially is a
legal version of piracy, where she would use private mercenaries to attack and plunder
Spanish treasure ships carrying gold back from the Americas. It was a way for Queen
Elizabeth to get a piece of the action without provoking a full scale war with Spain, who
was way bigger and better than them at the time. During this period, British operatives
pioneered many of the clandestine tactics and networks they ultimately used to become
the preeminent world superpower. They became the eighteen hundreds tactics, such as
using opium, heroin and human trafficking to fund pirate colonies throughout the
Caribbean to keep the money flowing. When there weren't Spanish ships to attack the
name MI6 comes from this time period. It's short for Marine Intelligence Unit six six six,
which at the time was a cheeky Satanism reference, clowning on the Spanish
conquistadors pretense of brutally colonizing America so they could bring the native
peoples to God.
[00:06:37] The British had a mantra of pioneers take the arrows, settlers take the land so
they would often let other imperial powers go places first and bear the tremendous upfront
costs of building colonial outposts before sending their spies and assassins to hijack them
by force. Later on, after they defeated the Spanish Armada, the British reorganized their
savage horde of pirates into the East India Company, which they then used as the primary
vehicle of their ruthless imperialism for the next several hundred years. At its peak, the
British East India Company had a private army of about two hundred and sixty thousand
men, roughly twice the size of the British army, and they dominated opium and slave
trafficking worldwide. It served as the tip of the British military spear, directly ruling over
India for over a hundred years and eventually going to war with China for trying to outlaw
their heroin dealing twice. As a matter of fact, the Chinese government still cites the Opium
Wars to this day whenever they're called out for selling fentanyl to Mexican drug cartels.
Heroin dealing is such a staple of British power that they use a poppy pen instead of a
yellow ribbon to honor their dead soldiers. Poppies are the flower that heroin is derived
from. The British royals claim that the poppy was adopted after World War One because it
symbolized the flowers that grew in the fields after the battles took place. But it's really
because they used heroin financed anarchist assassins to incite a vast war, seize key
territories in the Middle East and consolidate vast power over Europe, Africa and the rest
of the world. Power they would use to set the stage for another major world war that would
give them the opportunity to conquer back their ultimate prize, the United States of
America. As World War Two was breaking out, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, a
slimy robber baron heir whose grandfather made his fortune smuggling heroin to China,
allowed British intelligence to come over and essentially build the precursor to the CIA
called O.S.S. from the ground up, teaching Americans all the gangster EFIC spy agency
tactics they had developed over the centuries.
[00:09:03] From that point on, British and American intel ops became deeply intertwined,
especially when it came to controlling organized crime and using it to finance covert
operations. The idea was sold to American leaders on the pretense that drug dealing and
prostitution was going to happen either way. So they might as well control it and use the
money that it generates for their ops. But that always was a pipe dream. And what really
ended up happening was the United States getting corrupted from within and dragged into
endless foreign wars, wars that are ultimately used to enact the medieval imperial agenda
of the British Empire and to facilitate more heroin cultivation like in Vietnam and
Afghanistan. Ever thought about how weird it is that Afghanistan is currently growing three
times as much heroin as it was when we invaded in 2001? But as I mentioned earlier,
drug. Isn't the only funding source for our intelligence operations, human trafficking is to
human trafficking is another ancient industry controlled by intelligence services, and it is
even more sadistic than the heroin game. If you ever seen the movie taken, that sort of a
situation where the girl is being sold off at auction is very real and happens much more
often than you'd think. Another good depiction is the music video for better day. If you ever
wonder why a VC was suicided, look no further than that video he made. And they don't
just use sex trafficking to raise money. They also use it to exercise power. If you've ever
seen the movie Red Sparrow with Jennifer Lawrence, you'll see a depiction of what's
called a honeypot or a special type of spy operation that lures powerful men into
compromising sexual activities and then uses the pictures from that activity to blackmail
that. British and American spy agencies frequently use this method to exercise control
over billionaires who are afraid of politicians. That's why they created Jeffrey Epstein and
Sex Island to use as a mega honeypot. Epstein would get rich and powerful people to
have sex with children so he could get compromising photos on them and own them for
life. That's why Robert Mueller stepped in and got him off with a slap on the wrist when
Acosta tried to prosecute him in Florida, because, as the documents clearly state, Epstein
belonged to intelligence. Pretty crazy, right? And they let most of the other small-Time
traffickers run wild, too. I witnessed this firsthand, doing overnight work for hotel chains like
Hilton, Marriott, Embassy Suites, Hamilton and Laquinta, how young girls would go into a
room early in the evening and have different men coming and going every hour, almost all
night long. And how major hotel chains and local police brazenly looked the other way as
child sex trafficking is happening right under their noses. When I brought it up with one of
the governor's top officials, how people in power are turning a blind eye to corruption, he
shrugged and said, everyone does that, Republicans and Democrats, and he's not wrong.
Unfortunately, that ridiculous attitude is why the website Backpage was created and
launched in Arizona. Backpage was essentially a giant Craigslist for prostitutes that
operated on a worldwide scale. Backpage turbo charge our human trafficking problem,
enriching criminal gangs and their CIA overlords in the process. It made pimping so easy
that their only problem was what to do with all that money they were making. Which brings
me to how I originally discovered the CIA is gang banging racket through its money
laundering ops here in Arizona, several of whom are my customers business as I sold
point of sale systems to. Turns out I have lots of friends in common with the guy who is the
CIA's head gangbanger, someone you might recognize if you've ever seen the TV show
Scandal. There's a shadowy covert intelligence agency called B six, which is an artistic
rendition of the real thing called DCX, the covert paramilitary wing of the CIA, both in the
show and in real life. The guy who runs covert operations is called Command and doesn't
answer to anyone, not even the president. The purpose of the command role in real life
was to organize black ops around an admiral, a top military leader that would be able to
operate on 30 to 40 year time horizons, as opposed to a series of presidents who operate
on four to eight. Admiralty law in the military was created before a time of instantaneous
communications, so it gives Navy admirals legal authority to order strikes without prior
approval from the president. It was intended to be used for situations where an enemy
surprise attacks and the admiral needs to order an immediate response to avoid
catastrophe. But over the years, it turned into a corrupt loophole used to order
assassinations with or without the consent of the elected president. Command also
functions as a very important PR figurehead. All of the CIA Mockingbird's in the
mainstream media echo command talking points verbatim manufacturing the public
consent they need to perpetuate their rocket regime change wars. As I mentioned earlier,
John McCain was command. The guy secretly running desex almost everything our
kangaroo news media tells us about McCain is false, especially the idea that he was some
kind of patriotic veteran who is always putting his country first in real life. He was actually a
vicious war criminal and an opioid addicted pedophile who saw himself as more of a
European king than an American. Serviceman, that's why he constantly bragged about his
royal ancestry and always used his power to enact the imperial agenda of those worthless
European royals, instead of using it to protect the interests of the American people. To
understand how John McCain became command. We need to understand a little bit about
his background. John McCain was born on a military base in the Panama Canal Zone
land, which had just been broken off from Colombia by a US backed puppet revolution.
While in Panama, he made friends with Colombian rebels that would assist him in future
endeavors throughout his childhood. John McCain did terrible in school. All of his
classmates and teachers thought he was a total prick like his obnoxious daughter. He was
a snotty little brat who got everything handed to him on a silver platter because of his
powerful father. Was one of the top admirals in the Navy, akin to something like military
royalty. While in the Naval Academy, his teachers and classmates nicknamed him
McNasty because he was such an arrogant jerk to everyone. He graduated almost last in
his class, and the only reason he wasn't expelled is because his father was an admiral and
could keep getting him out of trouble. After graduating, he bounced around in a few roles
before deciding to become a fighter pilot. While he was training, he crashed three separate
military jets, all due to pilot error. The first was off the coast of Texas. The second was in
Spain when he was trying to showboat and accidentally took out a power line causing a
major power outage and sparking a major international incident. The third one was one of
the military training jets his corrupt admiral father would let him use for personal weekend
joyrides to see girlfriends and sporting events in other states. The McCain family perfectly
epitomizes the insane nepotism. Corrupting our military or any other pilot would have been
grounded after one crash. But John was untouchable because his father was an admiral.
On his very first deployment, John recklessly caused a major fire on the deck of the USS
Forrestal that killed one hundred and thirty four of his fellow seamen. After again, facing
zero consequences for his actions, he was reassigned to another ship and back in action
almost immediately. He was shot down in Vietnam after disobeying a direct stand down
order while trying to bomb a light bulb factory. Though the reason they're shutting down is
because, once again, he wasn't following established Navy procedures and flying at the
right altitude, which made him an easy target. He was severely injured in the crash and
immediately turned on the United States in exchange for medical treatment. Being the son
of the admiral that was running the war songbird, McCain was able to provide mountains
of invaluable intel to the Viet Cong until they used to shoot down many more American
pilots. It was during this time that he developed his lifelong addiction to opioids. He was
never actually tortured. That's just a lie made up to justify his treason because he was
such a huge liability, providing so much damaging intel to the enemy. The Navy made a
prisoner swap deal to get him out as soon as possible. But in the political power move of
the century, John refused release until his fellow prisoners were freed. He pretended it
was a selfless and patriotic act, and the news media ate it up hook, line and sinker. But the
real reason he refused to be released was because he wanted to avoid being court
martialed for treason. After a few years, he was eventually pardoned by President Nixon
as part of a power struggle with military leaders over leaving the war in Vietnam. The
instant he got home, he immediately ditched his wife and child, who had been anxiously
waiting years and years for his return and started an extramarital affair with Cindy Hensley,
a crime family heiress from Arizona.
[00:19:05] Another great example of how ruthless and cold hearted this guy was after
divorcing his first wife and remarried Cindy Hensley in nineteen eighty, the stage was set
and he took over the command role by default after his father died unexpectedly in
nineteen eighty one. His dad, John McCain, the second or Admiral McCain was the
original command.
[00:19:31] Admiral McCain originally got the job when the O.S.S. was restructured into the
CIA in nineteen forty seven because he ran the Navy Signals Intelligence Base in Italy
after the war. At the time, the Navy was who ran all US signals intelligence. So the CIA
had to work through them to facilitate their spying and gangbanging. Admiral McCain,
along with some of his other insanely corrupt admiral friends, were some of. The first naive
buffoons to buy into the idea of a new world order, they worked with vile racketeers like
CIA Director John Douglas to import mobsters from places like Italy, Sicily and Ireland and
help them take over many of America's major cities.
[00:20:19] When his son took over in 1981, he immediately shifted the focus away from the
Italian and Irish mobsters his dad preferred and instead ramped up operations with his old
amigos in the Colombian cartels, people he knew from his childhood in Panama, leading to
the cocaine and crack epidemic throughout the 80s and 90s. He also ingratiated himself
with the crime families of Arizona like Charles Keating and got himself into Congress by
taking over the seat held by John Jacob Rhoades, the sketchy MI6 double agent who
helped Swift Boat President Nixon for leaving the war in Vietnam.
[00:21:04] After a couple of terms in Congress, he took over the Senate seat of another
Nixon sniping amid six double gangster named Barry Goldwater. Roads and Goldwater
were the worthless fake do gooding rhinos of their day.
[00:21:20] Being in Congress provided John McCain the access and legal immunities he
needed to run these six efficiently. Another thing that really helped was the partnership he
made with the Clintons that provided them assassins and saboteurs to cover for their
corruption in exchange for favorable coverage in the media mafia. He needed to cover for
his corruption. This secret partnership enabled them to sell us out while enriching
themselves with racket charities funded primarily by foreign robber barons, the Saudis, the
Soroses and the Rothschilds, a.k.a. the eye, ushering in an unprecedented worldwide era
of wanton corruption and sadistic violence from El Salvador to Libya to Syria to Ukraine to
[00:22:17] John McCain sowed chaos, degeneracy and violence everywhere he went.
Especially out here in Arizona. Arizona is still very much the Wild West Maroota
depression era crime families operate with virtual impunity here to this very day, families
like the Hensley's, John McCain's in-laws who control commercial alcohol distribution, and
families like the Basher's who run a prominent local grocery store chain, started in the
nineteen thirties.
[00:22:48] A huge amount of the drug and human trafficking happening in the United
States today is facilitated directly by the Hensley's bashes McCain's and their cartel
partners like Elmira, El Chapo and the Salazar family who run Sonora. Drug laws are
aggressively enforced in Arizona, but anyone operating under the McCain Associates
umbrella, a.k.a. the CIA umbrella, gets a free pass because if they do get caught, the
corrupt FBI Phenix Field Office will call and order local law enforcement to stand down.
The FBI can even stand down other federal agencies like the Border Patrol.
[00:23:31] One call is all it takes. They can also force Border Patrol to release anyone they
catch or hand over any evidence that they collect. And it's perfectly legal because the FBI
by law has jurisdictional supremacy over everything.
[00:23:45] I have many confidential sources in the Border Patrol who are very frustrated
with the alarming frequency of those stand down orders, especially in the Yuma to Vegas
corridor where most of the real traffic comes in. Agents that will be leading patrols about to
catch a bunch of smugglers out in the desert who write as they're about to make the grab.
We'll get calls from the FBI standing them down and forcing them to back off. And we don't
need to take their word for it to see that the federal government is totally unserious about
stopping trafficking in the Yuma corridor. We could just look at the publicly available
numbers. If you look here, you'll see that Border Patrol keeps way less agents in the Yuma
corridor than in the Tucson corridor.
[00:24:30] They claim it's because there is less traffic coming through Yuma, but anyone
who knows Arizona knows that's a preposterous lie.
[00:24:39] The reason is simple geography. The Tucson corridor is an unbelievably
treacherous desert covered in sharp, rocky hills, thorn bushes and choice, and doesn't
have a lot of other foot traffic to serve as cover. So while there's many smugglers getting
caught in the Tucson corridor, they're just the small fish that serve as decoys for the big
boys. Come in through Yuma. The Yuma corridor is a relatively mild, sandy desert with
minimal vegetation and lots of random people riding around on quads and dirt bikes near
both sides of the border. And just north of Yuma and east of Yuma are a bunch of bombing
ranges used for training military pilots, vast quarantined areas followed by huge wildlife
refuges that make big time traffickers unlikely to encounter any law enforcement as they
make their way up to Vegas.
[00:25:36] Shipments are also brought through the grocery store, bashes via underground
tunnels and secretly loaded on to military planes at the Yuma Air Base by the private
refueling subcontractors before being flown across the country to its final destination. Little
known fact about the Hoover Dam outside Las Vegas is that it was originally built to control
the water flow to Yuma so the Mafia could extort the people who are mostly farmers into
facilitating their smuggling. To this day, those same depression era crime families continue
their gang bang with impunity. Anyone who crosses them gets killed or railroaded by the
feds. Even Sheriff Joe. Sheriff Joe is king shit around here until he disobeyed a stand
down order, raided one of McCain's trap houses and arrested one of flaky Jeffs top aides.
Red, the second he did that, Sheriff Joe went from untouchable to being aggressively
railroaded by the feds. Those sneaky little CIA Mormons seem innocent, but they do not
mess around if you impede on one of their smuggling operations. That's why they've been
getting into those vicious blood feuds with the cartels in Mexico lately. And they aren't the
only ones doing sketchy stuff out here in Arizona. I also had the unique privilege of
infiltrating a weird little NGO called Jewish Voice, a charity with embassy level security that
runs a Hokie Prosperity Gospel style TV broadcast network which fundraises tens of
millions of dollars for foreign aid. It's weird, though, because they always seem to show up
with tons of cash in the weirdest places at the weirdest times like Zimbabwe around the
time Mugabe was taking power, Ruwan, around the time those Hutus went crazy. And
Ukraine, right, as those regime change protests are ramping up in twenty fifteen big,
they're reminding me of that movie Lord of War with Nicolas Cage because I knew much of
the money pumped into those countries was actually used to buy weapons. If you never
seen it, you should check it out, because it's a great depiction of how CIA arms trafficking
to evil despots and dictators all over the world has skyrocketed since John took over
command from his pops. Another great movie is American Made with Tom Cruise
depicting the CIA drug finance gun running out of Arkansas. That covert operation is what
laid the groundwork for the secret Clinton McCain partnership. Super annoying how our
government lets vicious gangs brutalize us in our own country to raise money for their
foreign rackets. But equally annoying how our news media enables them. Because the
corrupt stooges who run our government wouldn't survive long if journalists would ever
report the truth. But they well, they never have and they never will. People like to think that
fake news is a recent development, but the reality is that the news has always been fake.
The term yellow journalism was coined way back in the 90s to describe a media climate
very similar to the one we have today, where ninety five percent of all media is owned by
five bloodthirsty corporations, corporations who have no commitment to truth and no
loyalty to the United States, just endless greed and corruption. Now, many silly boomers
will push back on that because they like to romanticize about how there was a time back in
their day when the media at least tried to be objective. But that is hilariously false. The
media in their day watched our president get trotted out in the open by his own security
team, have his head blown off in broad daylight, and never pushed back a single time
when it was explained away with a bunch of nakedly preposterous lies.
[00:29:21] Then they saw no issue with letting some of the coconspirators in that
murderous coup run the official investigation of it. Then they let not just one, but two of
those coconspirators become the president because the news has always been fake.
Everything about the news industry in America is fake. Their esteemed heroes, Woodward
and Bernstein, are the opposite of real journalist.
[00:29:49] They are actually Mockingbird Stooges who were served up their bombshell
stories on a silver platter by the crooked FBI as part of a highly coordinated CIA coup
similar to the Russian coup that the CIA coordinated against Donald Trump. Their top
journalism award, called the Pulitzer Prize, was created by Columbia University after a
bloodthirsty robber baron gave them millions of dollars to create a journalism school in his
corrupt image. The kangaroo news media is a big part of the reason we had to do Kuhnen
this way, because if we did it, the media's reputation might have survived intact, which
would leave us vulnerable to more evil politicians in the future. Now that they took the
charge straight into our Bush and rallied to the defense of obvious war criminals,
racketeers and pedophiles, nothing can stop what is coming. They are all going down
hard. And it's funny because they always act like us. Cunard folks are the violent
extremists, but they will get to see who the real violent extremists are very soon when
those left wing mobs they've been sick in on us, learn the truth about their treachery and
turn on our record, nothing will be able to save them then, not even all those police officers
they've been relentlessly slandering. So let them enjoy their last few moments on top,
because I have a feeling those smugger kangaroo journalists, are not going to fare very
well out here in the wild. So all that being said, I'd like to close with a public service
[00:31:23] Spook's sicarios and robber barons be advised Desex is officially canceled and
your treachery will no longer be tolerated. John McCain's despicable legacy will rest in the
ash heap of history where it belongs. And anyone else engaged in acts of war against the
United States of America better stop and disappear immediately.
[00:31:44] Or on behalf of the DIA. I will personally hunt them down and make a
flamboyant example out of that.
[00:31:50] If you don't believe me, just ask. Slimy stands, old amigo Paul Lopez. Things
got a little bit heated between us after Paul decided to choose Team Satan over to
America. Hopefully the rest of you spook a little anxious. Won't make the same mistake.
You're bored.

@wehmoen @alicekennedy @starrysnow @mstrashworthy @mikemullens @brianburns @pennywisedawise @tarynq @kiimayer @qconsciousness @spirit-Admetos @wokemobile @seeleesea11 @invsecactof1951 @brianburns @ibor @quantum17 @binbash @lasmokanostra @whatonearthq17 @krishunter @dalec369 @memeteam17 @pauljosiesavill @newparadigmtt @iq187 @txgodmotheriii @hivebuzz @steampunkmedia @steempress @steampeak @delso @lynds @steemityourway @truthstreammedia @steem-plus @fulltimegeek @frankbacon @franksComs @greatgaribaldi @envisible @qsoutherncharms @littich @qxpat @exodesigns @digitalsoldier17 @ahough1706 @awakeninggreatly @fishface @forthesamuel @helloall2317 @indigosoul58 @isaacawesomov @jameswwg1wga @kristinaavalon @metatronscube @piriglion101 @roejanfootball @thadrake @ciefurhunk @davidnv2000 @drwaffles @ghostshell101 @key2truth @mb123 @mishelle1974 @realitymatrix @shelbie @travis.ebarb @wokemobile @austinsteinbart


I am watching this now :)

My 2 cents: Simon Parkes should be wary of Robert David Steele.

Anyhow, thank you for the trail of interesting videos to watch. I get notified on my #GWO website whenever you post something and seeing what you do is quite entertaining.

My "Thesis" in this lifetime is exposing how corrupted we are with that "Guilt By Association" thingy... I was very interested in RDS for a number of years and even tried to help him through a lot of his ADL harassment. Ultimately, and this is just a suggestion... If you have Nothing to do with an individual, then casting aspertions about said individual on Social Media is the same as Calumny.

Essentially, the biggest problem with RDS is his detractors DON'T Read his work and instead project BIAS.

in 2014 his Open Source EVERYTHING Manefesto set in motion all the events that lead to My Cryptographic Novel which established that a GREAT DEAL of Dickery on the webs is simply Passive (Retarded) ShitBags who let Twitter define their Mental Space. I broke out with my Book and can never go back to letting my life be defined by Dorsey's Algos...

If you want to Prove someting meaningful for the sake of saving Souls from the Harvest, then I'd suggest you point out to Simon that this Chain would welcome HIM if he can Grock it Better than RDS who essentially Certified my Sci-Fi over 4 years ago but is too Stupid himself to implement much of what he's talking about.

My work is about Digital Publishing without the permission of Tghird Parties... Therefre it is DE FACTO IBOR! RDS and other's work on selling their ideas for Blood Dollars and exemplify the behavior of do as I say, not as I do. He's a typical Funking Statist...


But at least RDS doesn't Twitter.

ibor internet bill of rights ✔️✔️✔️


i drew that^↖️
in hebrew once 🤔

wonder what the universe was sending in theough my prayers, or meditational zenfocus...




I'm certain I will be meeting Simon in Phoenix soon.


Care to bet?

I wouldn't doubt it. You're a very outgoing person that knows half the town.


Sure... Somthin like that 😎🥓

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