Ten years ago I wrote on my personal travel blog, “Australia sucks”. In it I detailed, “Australia seems to have more rules than any other country on the planet I have visited. There are signs outlining rules everywhere. I was even on a street that had a street-sign denoting that particular street as being an alcohol-free street. No alcohol is allowed to be consumed or even carried on that street?? I presume that even includes inside the houses on that street by the way it was written!”
I haven’t been back to Australia for years for this exact reason. It is one of the most oppressive countries in the world.
So, it actually comes as no surprise to hear that the Australian government is considering putting tiny identification chips in its $100 bills to track them and to stop people from avoiding extortion and “pensioners hoarding the money”.
This is according to a government agency that is actually, really called the “Black Economy Taskforce”.
The “black economy” or “black market” is a pejorative for the more accurate term, the “free” market. The enemies of freedom have to make it sound as bad as possible to get people to believe that by them stomping out the free market, they are helping out Australians. It’s the same reason they always like to make the word anarchy sound as bad possible. People need to fear freedom or they won’t want to be enslaved anymore.
The Black Economy Taskforce says that older Australians were hiding the notes to avoid the “government benefits assets test.”
This is why the government being involved in ANYTHING becomes incredibly evil incredibly quickly.
Since the Australian government is extorting their tax slaves for their entire lives and then paying back some of it to them later as a pension AND won’t actually pay it back if you have managed to prosper fairly well despite being extorted your whole life… then, well, the government needs to track every single thing you do to make sure you don’t “cheat” the system that has been cheating you your entire life.
Here were some commenters on Nine News Facebook post (thanks to bitsonline.com for the image):

Of course, there are always the heavily indoctrinated slaves who actually defend the very system that enslaves them, like the last commenter who makes a new, ridiculous definition of the term “hoarding” by saying it is “hoarding when they’re purposely hiding it from the assets test”.
Luckily, a few people in Australia are still awake enough to see what a joke this is as the rest of the commenters mocked it. The top commenter nailed it on the head by pointing out there is another word for “hoarding”. It’s called saving.
But, Keynesian central banks and tyrannical governments don’t want anyone to do something silly like saving money.
Of course, the real reason for wanting to track all cash transactions is so that the criminal government can take a cut off of everyone’s hard earned work.
The criminal Black Economy Taskforce, whose employees should all be shot, says it right on their website:
“Activities that take place in the black economy reduce the amount of tax revenue governments are able to collect. The black economy undermines the integrity of our tax system, penalizes taxpayers who do the right thing and, if unchecked, can foster a damaging culture of non-compliance in the community.”
The free market undermines the integrity of their tax system, does it? A “tax system” has no integrity. Taxation is theft. Why haven’t these people been shot yet?
This latest idea of “chipping” the fiat plastic money comes just after the Australian government announced in December it would “review” the $100 bill’s existence and are considering demonetizing it like they did in India.
So, it’s clear, the Australian government is working night and day to try to make sure every transaction made on the continent is tracked and extorted. Funny, they say Australia was started as a prison where English criminals were sent.
Today it is a prison where you don’t even have to go anywhere and everyone is enslaved.
Given this is going on everywhere in the world currently, it’s really no wonder that bitcoin is skyrocketing. And other altcoins that are even much, much harder (impossible) to track.
Cryptocurrencies are really the last option for those who don’t want to be completely enslaved and extorted.
If you still don’t understand why cryptocurrencies are so important, please check out my free four-video webinar HERE. I’ll even send you your first $50 in bitcoin if you accept our offer at the end of the videos.
If you know anyone in Australia please forward them this information. But, even if you are lucky enough to not live in the outdoor prison called Australia, the War on Cash is a worldwide attack on humanity by the Zionist Rothschild banking cartel and will be coming to a country near you soon.
Make sure to trade their fiat scrip for some gold, silver and bitcoin before it is too late.

As an Australian I love to hear the views of someone who is looking in from the outside. I can honestly say that you are correct in your observations Jeff. Australians are indeed living in a prison where even the act of "Mooning" was just recently made a 2 months jail offence in the state of Victoria (Australia's most leftist state). We currently have a gun amnesty in progress where people are actually handing in their guns shows how far down the track of willing slavery we are. I was a slave for 40 years, the last 5 I have finally woken up and am doing the best I can, in this mass surveillance country, to break free every little bit I can. I am now the proud parent of 4 young Anarchists who now know that government is not there to help you, only to extort and take advantage of you. I am in the midst of setting myself up to purchase my first amount of Bitcoin, (thanks for your 4 part video presentation btw), and looking forward to regularly increasing my holdings in the Crypto world. It is a sharp learning curve but to be free one does have to look after and govern oneself. Thank you for your advice and keep fighting the good fight mate.
Following you, Andrew. Nailed it, mate.
Always very interesting reading.
From one Jeff to another, thanks for posting!
It seems that the Australian government is up to its old tricks it was reported back in 2013 Australian Government Steals $331 Million From Savings, Retirement Accounts.. https://barnabyisright.com/2013/09/28/australian-government-steals-300-million-from-savings-retirement-accounts/
This is really interesting. It always fascinates me how different governments can sneak different regulations with most of the population remaining oblivious to it
How ridiculous...
No question the quickening is upon us...
I keep a couple foreign gold coins (Kruggerands), American cash saved (hoarded?) in $20 bills (learning from India last year), and a handful of US coins pre-1965 (90% SILVER).
Protect yourself before America wrecks yourself@scan0017
A year's supply of dried food would look good in there for about $300.
Spot on mate 👍

That's one row
Glad there are more of us willing and able to do something to take care of ourselves should disaster (of any kind) strike...
Have an amazing week 🤝
Hah, you look prepared!
I think your way of Being You Own Bank is working well for you with this Portfolio. To Me Silver Seems as inexpensive as it was 10 Years ago.
Yeah your very correct it's going on all over the world they hate cash they have less control over it , and when ever the main media talk about crypto currency it's always how it's being used by criminals and terrorists the truth is they are shitting themselves that we might all in time start using crypto. Great article thanks mike
Great post. This is just another form of what India did to its people. Just in a different manner.
The governments are getting out of control with all of this; of course guided by those truly in power!
Great post. Your stuff is always a good read plus informative.
Love the videos as well, especially with that ocean backdrop.
Anyways I totally second your idea of a free world where I world I be able to do what I want to do. Saving money for my future just can't be termed as hoarding. After all you got to plan for your future as no one else would do, if you don't do it for yourself. Peace ✋Hey @dollarvigilante... Absolutely loved your post!! This was an enlightening article for me on the personal front, as I was actually considering to apply for a work visa for Australia. I had no idea that Australian government has such level of oppressive mindset...
I work for an Indian IT company and I had a colleague come over to the US for the first time. We had a great time and I took him to a baseball game so he could see the similarities with cricket. He was helping me hire staff and was totally confused as to why all Americans had "criminal records". I had to explain to him that we all get traffic tickets for various things. He finally said at the end of the trip "For a free country, you aren't very free". Please pray for us in the US and Australia that our enslavement ends soon!
Don't know which way this whole world is heading to... After all freedom of expression isn't so free these days. Peace ✌️
FYI India is having a good old war on cash too, even worse than Australia.
When I heard India's war on Cash, i thought this would make Bitcoin and crypto currencies boom there. Which it did. It was pointed as one of the causes of Bitcoin surging in value
and popularity
What is did not do is stamp out corruption and tax evasion
Here's to Australian government making us Bitcoin HODLer rich :)
What the goverment is doing to our australian mates
Interesting article. Blockchain may be an alternative to chipped Dollar bills, but they won't do that, because they can't digest their food until they sneak peak in people's privacy.
This is a really bad move and a systematic opressive government. However United states control on its citizens with regard to bitcoin and other digital assets plus extreme taxation and spying is even worse.
Yes the U.S. is out of control. I have long been working on deciphering the legal system of capture and seeking the path to Remedy. I think I am getting closer. I absolutely understand the value in planting many flags and geoarbitraging your assets/income/freedom, but I think we actually have a chance to correct some things under this administration and that it's time to take a stand and fight. I really wish more of the liberty minded globetrotters would come join the battle for the homeland.
Good luck to you, you have my blessings
Wow! I'm from Australia and I had no idea that they were doing this. I better tell everyone I know the news. The government has no business telling people how they should be storing their money!
Don't become a slave people.... I'm currently selling red pills lol
"The 'black economy' or 'black market' is a euphemism for the free market. (Jeff Berwick)" No, it isn't!
"They have to make it sound as bad as possible to get people to believe that by them stomping out the free market, they are helping out Australians." That's what you intend to say. Fine!
In this article the word euphemism is been mentioned by Jeff Berwick, which is in this case misapplied.
According to Google a dysphemism is a derogatory or unpleasant term used instead of a pleasant or neutral one; whereas an euphemism is a mild or indirect word or expression substituted for one considered to be too harsh or blunt when referring to something unpleasant or embarrassing.
The terms 'black economy' or 'black market' are therefore dysphemisms for 'free market'.
Technical, I like it.
Really nice post. But in a sense, governments are helping in promoting cypto currencies which is a good thing :)
Yep, I feel the same way.
The US Government is about to pull the plug
A Great Event Will Be Used to Cover-UP the Fall of the Economy!
We are in a Debt Trap = there is no place to go!
Does the US $100 dollar note not have a tracking device in it?
Hey, Jeff! I'm a huge fan. Hope I see you in Acapulco next year...
Isn't Bitcoin now ok'd by Aussie gov't as common currency down there?
Yeah it's interesting, they give the impressive that they are supportive of crypto's yet from first hand knowledge I'm well aware that Australia is often used as a test case for many of their nwo/cabal/zionist/whatever agendas. So how freely we are able to use these coins is to be seen. At the moment I believe the ATO (IRS equivalent) is "allowing" the use of bitcoin to purchase products/services, however will be taxed once converted to fiat, or something along those lines. I don't really care what they do, they've become irrelevant in my world.
Australia's penal colony background encourages a healthy disrespect of law and control. Our heroes are bushrangers and other anti-establishment figures. An outsider may see our nanny state laws as prohibitive but Aussies find ways to stay ahead of .gov and enjoy a lifestyle that very few around the world can match. We don't see the point in sitting around complaining or protesting hence why we appear to get shafted by authority but it is only them that think they are in control. We will let them issue their tracking notes put them straight in the microwave and render them useless.
Well said mate, the main reason there are issues with the $100 note is that there is not enough in circulation! There was even talk of taking them out of circulation..
He has a point. A lot of the politicians don't even take their own rubbish seriously.
One of them, when confronted with privacy concerns over metadata retention, suggested that those who want privacy should just use an encrypted messaging app like all the politicians do.
Saving money is "hoarding" now. What in the actual fuck?! (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
Yeah, @dollarvigilante, it will probably come to South Africa soon. My question is, why does nobody stand up against it? I do not mean with crypto, I mean opposing the chip in the dollar?
Governments are acting as if they own the country like someone owns a business. I am tired working for a boss. Time for the crypto boom! @darnscotty
Thanks Jeff, we really are in prison, just check out these goons we call leaders

Nice article Jeff.
Black money is really big hurdle in a country's development. It weakens the economy.
Hope Australia cope up with this problem successfully.
Putting tracking into Australian money? Sounds quite ridiculous to be true but I guess that would convince people to come to this channel, which is good. haha
Bureaucracy always kills innovation because no one is incentivised to do what he/she want but to work for bureaucrats with different rules and by this all the freedom of doing anything just fades away.
I have some question in the post i had written earlier. have a look and what can be the solution of ideal economic policies according to you?
in a neo-feudal society, slaves cannot own property, only kings .
That's pretty worrying. I have not heard of this before. Very good acticle. Congratulations!
Right on bro, Australia is smaller so they look at whats happening in the states and the UK and basically copy and paste the law with a few extra things they can get away with
p.s you can drink alcohol in the houses, but I get your point, you cant legally smoke in your house, and if you ayahuasca you will probably get shot
I'm pretty sure you also cant legally walk on the right side of the road? might need to check me on that one
Haha, I'm sure we're not far away from that, but no, that is not the case.
Australian War On Cash😍😍 nice
It feels like in will never end... They know they are losing power they think is TheIrs
Good advice.Thank you
This is a neo-feudal regulation. The semi slaves can´t save their money in a free way and they have to pay huge taxes and the feudal sir have the free right to own things. Since 2005 polithical scientists say we are in a new feudal era. The atomization of power and rights of the ordinary people and a global imperium. Liquid era in Zygmunt Bauman Words apply too.
These Zionist will go to any extent for just harming the human species and have them in control! Disgusting! We absolutely need to trade these fiat script as soon as possible!
Thanks for the eyes opener!
Australia seems to be attempting to rival China and India. They have facial recognition passports too. Good ol' technocracy.
Yep, we are the test case for the world.
Nothing else but a war on cash. Again, thanks for the great content Jeff.
Your post is very interesting to follow ....
I am new person, please help my vote ...?
That is something intresting post dear ...love to read this
How can they ensure you are in debt if you save...err hoard..
Great article as usual Jeff. However, I am perplexed as to why Australia would think about loosening their double taxation on digital currencies. Hoarding is hoarding, especially in the digital currency world. You could easily move funds into Monero, PivX, or Verge far out the eyes of government. Could their actually be some good folks who appreciate Cryto currency and privacy? I bring this up because Crypto Currency/Digital Currency and the war on cash are mutually inclusive conversations because there are no other alternatives. So lightly encouraging its people by relaxing taxes could potentially be counter to their war on Cash. Here is the source for the Double Taxation article.
Thanks for your amazing and thorough reporting as usual. Just sharing my 2 satoshi.
Yeah, I see it similarly. Bring it on I say. The more they attempt to oppress us, the more we will find an alternative, with the greater exposure of crypto's coming at the ideal time.
Useful Article. Thanks for sharing!
well the good that will come from this is that the elderly will merge to crypto currency en mass!! and up we go ain't it grand
Just another government bullshit to control and oppress it's very own people. It's like Australia is eating their own babies. The Blockchain technology is the future!
Tax is theft.I suppose it is if taken and not willingly given,but I wish a dedicated believer in crypto would say what would replace our taxes that currently pay for essential services of health,law,education.Can we have a rounded balanced view of how things will be ?.I like your articles and follow you and I believe Cryptocurrency is the future.I bought some yesterday,but the alternative to elected leadership and taxation will be chaos ?
Will it be chaos, parliamentarians would like us all to believe it as it is a self serving agenda.
How about this for a possible scenario. Remove the Reserve Bank and go back to the Treasury (as per the constitution) putting the currency into circulation (ie being interest free). Manage the amount of currency that is flowing within the economy. Lets say a bridge or new road needs to built. Allocate money for that project. As the project comes to completion, start removing some currency and burn it up. No taxes required. Then everything earned from providing a product or service goes to you. A direct energy for energy exchange.
Many thanks.Who will - 'Manage the amount of currency that is flowing within the economy' ?
More the point, how. Hey I'm no economist, but I'm sure it would be possible if the mindset was to encourage a collective abundance rather than for the few who make the rules.
Hugging my crypto a little tighter tonight.
Interesting article. I can see the same thing happening here one day.
Very interested, man! Great Post Again
Yes Jeff, sometimes I wonder why I still live here. At times it seems relentless what they are attempting to do, and moving to a place like Mexico seems quite attractive with it's freedom. (Why else would many of the best cancer clinics set themselves up there). But now I just see it as an incentive to think smarter and simply see these talking heads in the government buildings as the irrelevant people that they are.