Follow Me to Austria - Folgt mir nach Österreich!

in #austria7 years ago (edited)


Hey guys, it is easter and I decided to drive to Austria by car. One of my biggest wishes and it was also on my bucket list is to sleep in a very very old castle! Where to find castles? In Europe there are castles everywhere, some people are also living in castles. I decided to find a castle in Reith in Austria. Reith is located just few minutes away by car from Kitzbühel. I was looking forward to hike in the mountains, too. Never have been in this area before and wanted to collect new impressions and adventures , as always ;) But why did I want to sleep in a castle?

  • I want to feel the castle atmosphere
  • I want to get to know the history background story of the castle in Reith (Austria)
  • I want to relax and feel like a little princess ;P
  • I want to spent my time in another world and have the feeling to live like people back in the days

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Kizbühel is just 2 hours away by car from Munich

If people do have day offs the highway in Germany is pretty stuffed, everyone is going on holiday and want to travel a bit. In general German highways are special and also known all over the world, cause in some parts of the road you will not find a speed limit. Maybe some of you will think "wow, that is great" , no no no I do not like it, cause it is getting stressful on the highway and some cars are racing with round about 200 km per hour next to you.

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It is nice to see mountains around while driving :)

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And by the way Trucks are not allowed to drive on public holidays and on Sundays. During this time they are parking next to the highway and are waiting / sleeping til they are allowed to drive again. Just some trucks are allowed to drive and only with a special permission

As you can see the weather is just perfect

I enjoyed the view, Austria snow was still available :)

And by the way if you are entering the border of Austria you have to buy this sticker before driving to Austria. This "Vignette" you have to put on the window of your car and it is showing that you are allowed to drive on the highway of Austria, you paid for it and you will not get trouble with the police. The cost for one Vignette is round about 9 euro for 10 days. During this time you are allowed to drive on the highway of Austria.

Sitting in the car can be also nice :)

I wanted to make a break to eat something before arriving my destination

I ordered fish and it was not tasty :(

After eating I wanted to win a new iPhone

It was very tricky to win it and I lost :P xD

I am looking forward to reach my destination!

Happy Easter - See You Soon - Big Hug Lena <3 <3

deutsch / same post in German


Hallo Ihr Lieben, es ist Ostern und an Ostern wollte ich unbedingt wieder mal nach Österreich fahren. Einer meiner Wünsche ist es und dieser Wunsch stand auch auf meiner To-Do Liste ist in einem Schloss zu schlafen. Ok, wo findet man so ein Schloss? Bei uns gibt es diese ja zum Glück wie Sand am Mehr, manche haben sogar das Glück in einem Schloss zu leben. Der Entschluss stand fest, das Schlösschen sollte in Österreich stehen und zwar genau in Reith bei Kitzbühel! Ebenso freute ich mich auch auf die österreichischen Berge. Reith ist nur ein paar Minuten von Kitzbühel entfernt und ich wollte auch in den Bergen ein wenig wandern gehen. Das Örtchen war für mich unbekannt und meine Vorfreude ist gross diesen Ort zu erkunden, um neue Eindrücke und Abenteuer zu sammeln, wie immer halt ;) Ach ja, und warum wollte ich jetzt unbedingt in einem Schloss übernachten?

  • Ich möchte gerne die Schlossatmosphäre geniessen
  • Ich möchte gerne den geschichtlichen Hintergrund aus erster Hand erfahren
  • Ich möchte entspannen und mich wie eine kleine Prinzessin fühlen :P
  • Ich möchte meine Freizeit in der Vergangenheit verbringen

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Kitzbühel ist nur 2 Autostunden von München entfernt

Sobald Ferienzeiten bevorstehen sind die Autobahnen bei uns in Deutschland ziemlich voll. Verständlich, denn jeder von uns möchte gerne die freien Tage geniessen und auch ein wenig reisen. Unsere Autobahnen sind auf der ganzen Welt bekannt, denn in einigen Abschnitten gibt es keine Geschwindigkeitsbegrenzung, das finden meine ausländischen Freunde immer ganz toll :P Ich finde es nur stressig, wenn ein paar "coole Fahrer" meinen mit ca 200 Sachen vorbeiziehen zu müssen.

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Berge um sich zu haben ist schön :)

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Ja ja die armen LKW Fahrer, die an Feiertagen oder an Sonntagen nicht fahren dürfen. Die ein paar glücklichen haben eine Sondergenehmigung. Man man ohne LKWs auf den Strassen ist das Leben doch um einiges schöner :P xD

Das Wetter spielt mit

Ich genoss den Ausblick und in Österreich liegt sogar noch Schnee :)

Brav die Vignette gekauft :)


Die kurze Pause stand bevor, denn der Hunger meldete sich

Leider hat das Essen nicht geschmeckt , es war so lalalal :(

Nachdem Essen wollte ich unbedingt ein iPhone gewinnen :P

Knifflig war es und verloren habe ich auch noch :P xD

Ich freue mich mein Ziel erreichen zu dürfen :)

Frohe Ostern und bis bald! Dicken Fetten Drücker - LG Lena <3 <3


Hi My Dear Friend @lenatramper Thank you so much for sharing another nice" traveling story sharing have a nice day.

Travel very beautiful.
I appreciate your story. thanks for sharing valuable post.
I follow your every post my dear@lenatramper

Wow...I appreciate your blog.. travelling very nice.
Thanks for sharing valuable post.

Amazing travel.i like this travel.
Thanks for sharing your valuable story.
Upvote and re-steemit

This is your first blog about Austria if I remember well @lenatramper. Waiting anxiously for your beautiful adventure there, I imagine that in a castle we can feel the natural freshness of AI and history dear friend

I hope you are fine on the roadHi @lenatramper god morning

Hello @lenatramper
surely this is your holiday journey that is so fun 😍😍

a very beautiful place, I wish I could Follow you to Austria - Folgt mir nach Österreich @ lenatramper, if any time please help me, I really need your help

wonderful trip to Austria, I like your travel

Wonderful story
This travel very beautiful
Thanks for sharing busy
I appreciate your valuable Post..........

Hey WorldWideLife Lover @lenatramper, I am no comment about your travelling, I am in deepest jealousy to you hahaha, Thank you any way, it is beautiful scenery of Austria. Have a nice trip @lenatramper, thanks for sharing that such beautiful stuff.

This travel very beautiful
Thanks for sharing valuable story
I appreciate your Post............

The trip that attracted my friend a very beautiful natural scenery ..

Good morning.. me too i want an iphone...😀

a nice trip, have a nice day, I want to be like you go everywhere

very beautiful face and sweet, very beautiful view, beautiful room, a very nice trip, all who see your post, always say woow, thank you very much for sharing @lenatramper, always happy, 😊👍

a wonderful holiday ... thank you for sharing the travel experience I really wanted. go ahead @lenatramper

Seems like a nice roadtrip, good luck and enjoy! :)

success is always for you friends👍👍👍

Wow ... Fun trips and beautiful photos, thanks @lenatramper've shared the journey, so we can feel so beautiful this world to be around.

actually i wanna follow you to astria ...
but i can only follow you through comments ...
because I do not have the funds to follow you directly to austria ...

can you help me enjoy traveling with you ...

hehe, very cool trip. Happy Easter Lena !

Do you have ancestors who had castles? Some of my ancestors lived in Scotland. But not sure if I'm related to lords, kings. Should trucks be allowed to travel on holidays? Love travel, was in Hawaii, Canada, Vietnam, but have not been to Austria like you and am a bit jealous because I love castles and love your joyful photos. Happy Easter.

I really enjoy your trip to austria.

a fun trip friend, thanks for sharing

Bin gespannt was du aus Österreich so mir uns teilen wirst, das Wetter scheint ja mitzuspielen ;D

Very Good story dear sister

Have a safe trip and keep up informed how the night at the castle goes :) It sounds exciting! :)

That is interesting that trucks can't drive on Sundays and holidays. Here in California they drive 7 days a week. That would really open up the freeways on holidays and Sundays if we had that law.

Austria is one of the nicest countries in the world. I wish you a happy trip there
Your photos are really beautiful and you are a very beautiful girl
I wish you a happy Easter

Na dann viel Spaß im Schloss - bin schon gespannt auf den Bericht mit Krönchen. Wetter scheinst Du ja Bombe zu haben hier (Stuggi) ist es eher Nasskalt inklusive Hagel :(
War das Pickerl ein Muss? Landstraße in AT für das kurze Stück wär doch gegangen oder?

beautiful and nice post

Den Kauf der Vignette hättest du dir sparen können: Ausfahrt Kiefersfelden, Grenzübergang Bundesstraße, Ortsdurchfahrt Kufstein. Na ja, Österreich braucht auch Geld.
Wo ist das Schloss? Ich glaube, ich kenne da eines in Reith.
Endlich schläft im Schloss man wieder eine richtige Prinzessin: Lena, die erste!

na super :D :D Schloss Münichau, oh Danke auch wenn ich keine echte Prinzessin bin :P :P LG Lena

I have followed you my beautiful sister!Nice post,@lenatramper

the scenery is very beautiful even his person was really very beautiful too, i like your post

Waawww asia... When to indonesia @lenatramper

Perfect weather with amazing trips ,, hi @lenatramper may I ask if it's cold because I saw you wearing a jacket when there's a bright weather

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Good post,and Sweet smile, there is a beautiful symmetrical sketch on the left right of your lips, dear? very beautiful, the point