Q & A Regarding Authentium.io (2021 AUG)

in #authentium3 years ago


Q: Who is the founder of #Authentium?

Phil Talbot: So firstly a little about me….my name is Phil Talbot, Founder and CEO of #Authentium. Originally born in New Zealand, I come from a multi-generational farming family and I am acutely aware of the financial issues facing farmers around the world.

I am a visionary, a serial entrepreneur and accomplished business executive having founded multiple successful start-ups as well as having worked in large multinational corporations over the last 35 years in both the hardware and software industries.

I’m currently the CEO and Founder of #SAAVI, a market leading Australian foodservice mobile ordering platform and I am now embarking on my latest start-up venture called #Authentium.

Q: So….what is #Authentium?

A: #Authentium was conceived in November 2017 as an innovative blockchain-governed decentralised food supply chain ecosystem that solely focuses on helping the farmer get a better price for their produce.

We do that through a unique multi-layer blockchain protocol that has been jointly designed by me and 5 economic professors from world leading Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT).

It’s a very personal project that I have been working on for nearly 4 years and we have been quietly working on building out the protocols, apps and global partnerships for our solution to be deployed around the world in both developing and developed agricultural-based countries.

Q: Can you tell us more about how #Authentium works? And what problems is #Authentium solving in blockchain?

A: Today not only in developing countries, but also developed countries like Australia, #farmers are being exploited by powerful centralised authorities like supermarkets and supply chain intermediaries.

These powerful corporate middlemen take a large chunk of the farmers profits and I’m passionate about helping to restore their market power by giving them a suite of free decentralised apps. This is happening in #Vietnam too!

We are also currently planning and building a world-first decentralised primary producer commodity exchange (#DEX) where farmers can list, and sell their farm produce directly to buyers around the world.

SO HOW DOES IT WORK? Well, #Authentium is quite a rare and unique project in the entire crypto space because unlike #DeFi, we operate not only in the crypto world but also in the physical world of e-Commerce.

This has meant we have had to develop decentralised applications and blockchain based solutions that work in both worlds. This is particularly difficult.

We have now finished deployment of our core Proof of Delivery (POD) infrastructure layer and it’s being trialled here in Australia and shortly around the world in some developing countries. We are excited about #Vietnam as there are lots of farmers there

It currently is a simple Android and IOS farmer, driver and buyer app along with an administration portal that allows farmers to pick, pack and ship a very new kind of shipment using our patented POD (Proof of Delivery) NFT tokens.

This provides not only full goods tracking and food supply chain provenance, but #Authentium also provides for a decentralised “Uber” like farming logistics service as well.

It’s super simple for farmers, they just generate a consignment in #Authentium, print out a crypto-graphically secure QR Code, attach it to the product they are shipping and a delivery driver will be notified automatically to collect.

Q: What can make #Authentium better than your competitors? Can you tell us about some of the special features of #Authentium ?

A: WHAT MAKES #AUTHENTIUM DIFFERENT AND UNIQUE? Almost every single supply chain project around the world from SAP, IBM to PWC Food Trust are all focussed on helping the consumer. They do not have any desire or focus to help the farmers!!!

Given my grandmother and mother were farmers, in late 2017 I decided that we should focus on the financial plight of farmers as they continue to be under served, remain poor because they make minimal profits or losses.

What is worse, because they are exploited, they can’t even afford to get good access to water and fertiliser to help grow their crops and improve the soil and carbon capture.

#Authentium is unique because we focus on farmers and that is why we are better than all our competitors.

Q: Security is very important for every project so can you tell us a bit about #Authentium security? Is it secure enough for users and investors?

A: AUTHENTIUM SECURITY. Yes in the crypto world, we all know that private key management and open-source smart contract software code are fundamental to the operation of all blockchain-governed ecosystems.

This includes centralised exchanges, decentralised exchanges and DeFi projects. We also know they are the source of ALL security breaches and hacking.

#Authentium is no different to any other crypto project, in that we do need to consider security and more importantly protecting all actors in the #Authentium ecosystem.

However, #Authentium has and will continue to take a different approach and a very serious one. Here’s what we’ve done and will do in the blockchain security arena.

Authentium Security Considerations - 1) BLOCKCHAIN CHOICE. We chose #algorand. It’s a truly secure, scalable and decentralised pure proof of stake protocol with randomness and zero knowledge proofs consensus algorithm.

It was invented by world renown cryptographer and mathematical Turing award winner Silvio Micali.

2) PRIVATE KEY MANAGEMENT: #Authentium is a non-custodial private key management platform. Which means we never have access to the private keys of any user within the #Authentium ecosystem.

We achieve this with a formal partnership with leading Algorand private key management provider AIKON. Farmers will simply login using Google and sign transactions with a simple button press.

This feature alone in #Authentium allows for real world adoption by some of the lowest technology adopters in the world – farmers in #Vietnam will LOVE THIS!!!.

It’s our simplicity that makes Authentium so unique and will allow huge scalability as we do not need to educate users how to use #Authentium. If you can login, print and scan a QR Code, then you can use #Authentium!

3)AUTHENTIUM SMART CONTRACT AUDITS. We are planning to no only do 1, but 3 smart contract audits before we go live to give extraordinary confidence to #Authentium users.

We are looking to companies like Halborn, Runtime Verification and world leading TrailofBits. We will one of the few projects with this level of security audits to ensure the long term success and viability of #Authentium

Q: Can you tell us about #Authentium's token index, when will it be released to the market and community? Are there any incentives for investors? If yes, can you share a bit about the route?

We will have an IDO early next year but the date is not finalised yet. If you want to keep up to date with the very latest including advanced early bird notice on how to participate in our public sale

Then just make sure you go to https://authentium.io/ and click the green “Subscribe for Early Access”.

We guarantee that if you sign up here, you will be the first to know 24 hours prior to any other public release of information even on Telegram or Twitter.

So you become an exclusive part of our inner circle of #Authentium community members will be able to purchase our Authentium tokens at a discount from our future listing price.

Q: I understand that in a nutshell Authentium is a Smart Logistics Center, but really how “smart” will it be? Will it have all the automation and technology necessary to carry out any logistical work that users want, regardless of its magnitude? or will they have any limitations? - @Lidiamga

A: We are building both a simple version of our traceability platform and a more complex version. The technology education level is vastly different for farmers in different countries, so we are creating tech which can adapt to conditions on the ground.

We have plans for it to be super smart later this year and have detailed plans already designed to have in-built AI and ML technologies. Also through some of our formal partnerships, which will be announced soon.

One we can mention is with market leading food ordering automation platform SAAVI ( https://www.saavi.com.au/ ), we will be able to access and leverage all their technology and smarts in their automated ordering food supply chain and delivery platform.

Q: What are the competitive advantages of your project? What advantages do you have over competitors? What would be your project secure most similar contender in the market today in terms of scalability, security, features, and adaptability?- @Nguyenhuybach12

Platform Advantages include:

• Fully traceable supply chain
• Exclusion of the middleman
• Economic empowerment of the primary producer
• Decentralisation will give a new way for farmers to enter the market and achieve capitalisation

Advantages over competitors:

We have greater traction. Currently, a three-month-trial is ongoing in Australia with the biggest garlic producer of our traceability system. We are also cultivating relationships with farmers in: Nigeria, Columbia, Togo, Ghana, and Benin to try our system.

Our system combines both blockchain tech and crypto tech. Most of our competitors only have elements of blockchain and no crypto, so limiting the economic impact for the farmer.

Q: Would you agree me that Non-crypto user is also very important for mainstream adoption. How you are planning to attract non-crypto users towards your project? Is there any upcoming partnership that will brings non-crypto user & real-use case?- @Puja0211

Yes you are right. We are partnering with farmers that don't know crypto thus expanding the adoption of crypto.

We have farmer co-op managers in some developing countries and are looking for Vietnam farmers next month

Q: What kind of partnerships with different projects/platforms/protocols can we expect from #Authentium in the future? Could you give us some examples of how other projects can leverage #Authentium ?- @Ductrung753951

#Authentium currently has formal partnerships with #Algorand the #Algorand Foundation, AIKON, SAAVI (www.saavi.com.au) and Stone and Chalk here in Australia.

#Authentium is also currently creating partnerships with DeFi protocols such as www.ratio.finance, on the Solana Blockchain. We are also talking to a DeFi protocol from the Cardano ecosystem.

We also like a number of white label DAO Oracle, Identity providers, liquidity providers and decentralised exchanges. We particularly like Razor Chainlink Oracle which will further help secure #Authentium data and a single source of truth for all transactions.

Further, we will be creating a wide range of real-world partnerships with global airlines, shipping companies, freight forwarders, cold storage shippers and with various farmer communities in developing and developed countries.

Q: Will there be a public offering for Authentium? How to get tokens in the fastest way in the early bird? What are incentives of $ATHM Token bring to community and investors?- @devil_queen43

Yes. We will be making our tokenomics available in our deck and to our community. You will be able to see for yourself our various rounds and metrics. In general though, I would recommend you follow our community to see the instructions on how to get early access.

We will have an IDO early next year but the date is not finalised yet. If you want to keep up to date with the very latest including advanced early bird notice on how to participate in our public sale

Then just make sure you go to https://authentium.io/ and click the green “Subscribe for Early Access”.

Q: How does Authentium guarantee the safety and quality of food on its platform? Are QC personnel involved?

Phil Talbot:
Our plan is to be decentralised so that sellers can directly deal with buyers. Like any good system, Authentium has a built in reputational consensus algorithm and system that will ensure that both food safety and quality is maintained. There will be a raft of food safety requirements, food handling and food export compliance regulations on sellers and drivers (logistics companies) to ensure upfront before they can use the system, our KYC process will ensure only approved, and all respective certified food regulatory requirements are met. This is so seller and buyers can self-select the appropriate food carriers (DASCOs) on our platform. As we are planning the entire system to be fully decentralised over time including our DAO-based foundation, part of the core team will ensure that Authentium actors are all fully compliant with all global food handling regulations. This is an evolving part of Authentium's business model and we can't wait to share some new partnership announcements which will shed light on how our project works in the real world as well as the crypto world.

Q: Have you been audited? Have not heard you talk about that security of funds is what every investor craves for and plans to escape incase of insecurity if funds,scams and rug pulls? How strongly built are your security put in place?

A: We are also in discussion with some large global liquidity providers (I even spoke to one major UK LP) and the interest to support our project is huge

Q: We investors think about how to win quickly. What will be your advantages for holding your token in the long run?

A: The major advantages for investors is that we have designed a protocol that actually rewards you more for being an investor in the project. This is rare for many projects where there is a pump and dump scheme. For example our own team have tokens locked up for 3 years

Q: Do you have user manual or short videos that would guide potential users of project to safely navigate your platform?

A: Yes we actually have a whole library of videos, how to use tutorials, installation manuals which will be all translated into local languages.

Built into our apps are also contest sensitive help functions to let users know exactly how to scan the QR codes and assign goods between farmers, sellers and buyers

Q: Staking programme is very important for any project, Can i stake your token? Do you have any plan of starting staking programme?

Right now you can't but we will have a staking program in Q1 2022 which will provide staking rewards with APY of around 10-14%






About Authentium

Since late 2017, Authentium is a pioneering open-source community with a shared vision to design and build an ecosystem of DAO-like Decentralised Autonomous Supply Chain Organisations (DASCO’s) that remove powerful centralised authorities from global food supply chains.
Our vision is to liberate primary producers from these centralised exploitive supply chains. We think it’s time we help to create a new world of trusted peer-to-peer food supply chains by building an ecosystem that incentivises their transformation.

For more information, please visit https://authentium.io/