Authoritarian Hustle

Sometimes you hear people say the craziest things. Like really crazy. You have to wonder how the even say such a thing with a serious face. You can think to yourself, how do these people even take themselves seriously with what they just said.

Well, listen to so-called financial guru Jim Cramer go pretty psychotic on a rent to mandate vaccines universally have the Army enforce it.


But he's talking a lot of BS. What he's referencing about getting ratted out for not participating, was about getting the polio vaccine. He claims that anyone who didn't get the polio vaccine would be ratted out by others because to not take a vaccines putting others at risk, as he claims.

But think about that. If you have a vaccine that works, how are others putting you at risk if they are not vaccinated? It makes no sense. Either the vaccine works or doesn't.

Cramer wants to go to war against coded and use the military to do it. As usual with any war, it's a war against people. The drug war to people in its crosshairs, the war on terror put people in the homeland and its crosshairs, and the wall and cove is just about putting people who don't comply with the bio security state in its crosshairs.

Make it illegal to object to mandatory vaccinations that will be administered by the military in this war. And if you do object and break the law, then he says you better be able to prove your conscientious objector status in court.

The state is such a tyrannical force. It is abhorrent to humanities true self potential. Government is such a disgusting tool to oppress people, all we have to do is look at history for examples. The matter how small it is that eventually just keeps growing and growing as is an example with the United States government.