Using the word 'cure' in the context of autism is considered quite controversial. Cure in any area of medicine is deemed taboo but in autism some even find it offensive. Ever heard of 'neuro-diversity'? This is the latest psy-op that would have us believe that autism is merely a 'difference' not a disease and if you dare suggest otherwise, you must be a douchey parent who won't accept your child as they are.. You must a be perfectionist.. Your kid would never be good enough for you... Well, let's challenge that a bit. Here's a partial list of what autism carries with it...
A detailed assessment conducted by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention demonstrated that children with autism had much higher than expected rates of all of the medical conditions studied, including: eczema, allergies, asthma, ear and respiratory infections, gastrointestinal problems, severe headaches, migraines, and seizures (Kohane et al., 2012).
There is firm evidence of immune dysfunction in individuals with autism. Results of numerous studies point to abnormal immune function, including on-going neuroinflammatory response. Several postmortem and in vivo investigations found chronic inflammatory processes in multiple areas of the brain and multiple studies have found a correlation between levels of immune dysfunction and severity of autistic symptoms (Vargas et al., 2005; Chez et al., 2007; Li et al., 2009; Morgan et al., 2010; Wei et al., 2011; Young et al., 2011; Suzuki et al., 2013). These observations resemble findings in other inflammatory and autoimmune disease states, in which elevations in levels of cytokines or autoantibodies are associated with the pathogenesis of neuroinflammation, neurotoxicity and neuronal injury, and subsequent behavioural and cognitive impairments, for example multiple sclerosis or HIV induced neurological dysfunction.
Mortality is significantly increased in autism, with death rates being three to ten times higher than the general population (Bilder et al., 2012; Woolfenden et al., 2012). These deaths tend to be the result of medical comorbidities, such as epilepsy, gastrointestinal conditions and respiratory disorders (Shavelle et al., 2001; Pickett et al., 2006; Gillberg et al., 2010; Bilder et al., 2012; Woolfenden et al., 2012). One study found that deaths from gastrointestinal and respiratory disorders were 40.8 and 24.5 times higher, respectively, in moderately to severely affected patients versus typical peers (Shavelle et al., 2001). Another study that looked at the general health of adults with autism found that without intervention, those patients appear to be at significant risk for developing diabetes, coronary heart disease, and cancer (Tyler et al., 2011). Adults with developmental disabilities are also at much higher risk for osteoporosis and show severe degrees of bone demineralisation (Jaffe et al., 2001; Jaffe and Timell, 2003).
So people with autism are far more likely to experience seizures, cancer, migraines, gastrointestinal disorder, respiratory disorder, diabetes, coronary heart disease, neuro-inflammation (encephalopathy), Mitochondria dysfunction, MAST cell, Autoimmune disease... etc. etc.... Not to mention, 3-10 times more likely to die from one or more of the above mentioned diseases.. And here's the Wiki short list of frequently co-occurring disorders including some psychiatric...
1 Comorbid conditions
1.1 Anxiety
1.2 Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder
1.3 Bipolar disorder
1.4 Bowel disease
1.5 Developmental coordination disorder
1.6 Epilepsy
1.7 Fragile X syndrome
1.8 Intellectual disability
1.9 Neuroinflammation and immune disorders
1.10 Nonverbal learning disorder
1.11 Obsessive-compulsive disorder
1.12 Tourette syndrome
1.13 Sensory problems
1.14 Tuberous sclerosis
1.15 Sleep disorders
1.16 Other mental disorders
And I won't even get into viruses, bacteria and infections... Okay.... Maybe I will...
Here's an excerpt from the article: Mysterious Autism Virus(es) Revealed? by the late Dr. Jeff Bradstreet:
If we accept many if not most autism cases involve some form of CNS immune activation or inflammation, we should look for candidate viruses. So you may be thinking its time to consult a medical virologist. Not a bad idea. Let’s do that.
I can go back to my colleague, Professor Persico. He went a long way to define our understanding of inflammation in the brain; now we are calling on him to help us find our mystery virus or viruses. Take some time and read the abstract below.
Okay – let’s add BK virus, JC virus and SV40 (all polyomaviruses) to our list of possible mystery viruses. (Note: BK and JC are the names of the viruses, and SV40 is a byproduct of contaminated polio vaccine)......
Biological assays lend support to the association between measles virus or MMR and autism whereas epidemiologic studies show no association between MMR and autism. Further research is needed to clarify both the mechanisms whereby viral infection early in development may lead to autism and the possible involvement of the MMR vaccine in the development of autism.
So what are we left with?
Possible: BK, JC, SV40 and infrequently but possibly XMRV.
From animal models: Borna Virus
Supported but controversial: Measles
Prenatal: Influenza, Rubella and others, but there is no evidence these prenatal viral exposures persist in the infant.
It is likely – as suggested by Persico’s team, that multiple viruses are simultaneously present and working together to cause this mischief we label autism.
So now we're talking about multiply infections latent in the Central Nervous System, Brain, Gut, plasma, anywhere really... just wrecking havoc and we're supposed to "accept"? Please for a minute activate your empathy pulse and think about having a sickness like the measles, chicken-pox or even a poison ivy infection... Imagine that: on your brain, in your gut and NEVER leaving...
How do you think you'd behave? How might you act? And if you had no language?
Might it manifest physically?
And what about the rest of it? What about all the other illnesses comorbid with autism?
If you were sick like that, would you accept it?
Having said that, I'm all in favor of radical acceptance of the CHILD.
It is okay to be mindful of your child's needs and not place them in environments that are stressful to them, it is okay to let them use self-stimulatory behavior without judgment, it is okay to accept that this maybe their permanent state and that they are perfectly lovable and valuable just as they are.
My son and children like him have value! Quite frankly, if you don't see it, then I unapologetically take a non-moral relative stance and I judge you!
I do accept my child as he is but I also want a cure for his disease and 'no' that isn't just something I want, I know he wants it too. Wouldn't you? Do you think he likes not being able to speak?
Do you think he enjoys having his gut a flame?
Do you think he enjoys banging his head, when the headaches won't stop? Our children have been robbed of a normal childhood and nobody cares! Our kids do not get to catch fireflies, eat dirt, run around the neighborhood barefoot and jump on their bike into a magical, wind in the hair, swishing sensation of freedom...
Do you remember that feeling?
So now back to the original question, 'how dangerous is it to find a cure?' Would it even be possible?
To answer this, I return back to the work of the late Dr. Jeff Bradstreet, who was found dead in a North Carolina river on June 19, 2015 in of an alleged self-inflicted gunshot to the chest.
See his lecture "How Close Are We to an Autism Cure? Part 1" given at the Autism One Conference end of May 2015, just 3 weeks prior to his death.
A couple of things struck me watching this video. Somewhere about half way through he started discussing the role of mycoplasma or walking pneumonia in autism. This reminded me of another physician and microbiologist, Dr. Garth Nicholson. According to Dr. Nicholson, Mycoplasma was found in the inoculations given to Gulf War Vets resulting in the autoimmune disorder known as 'Gulf War Syndrome'. Not only were the vets getting sick from it but also their families and health care providers...
"There were several potential sources of chronic biological agents in the Persian Gulf Theater [9, 23]. First, deployed soldiers were given multiple inoculations, in some cases with experimental vaccines in unproved immunization schemes, such as vaccines that were given all at once instead of using an appropriate schedule of inoculations over months or years. Multiple vaccinations given simultaneously can result in immunosuppression and leave an individual susceptible to opportunistic infections. Some of these experimental vaccines could also have been contaminated with small amounts of slow-growing microorganisms. In fact, some of the vaccine lots to be sent to the Gulf were removed because of "microorganism contamination." Dr Nicolson
“Weaponized Mycoplasmas,” Dr. Garth L. Nicolson, Lecture presented at the 9th Common Cause Medical Research Foundation Conference, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada on Aug. 29-31, 2008, Published July 29, 2013, Retrieved 10/29/14.
Dr. Nicholson author of the book, Project Day Lily continues....
We were actually forced to leave Texas. I was an endowed full professor and department chair at the University of Texas and I literally had to leave Texas because it became too dangerous. Several of my colleagues died. My boss was shot in the back of the head in his office, because he was going to blow the whistle on the prison testing experiments. So, it became very dangerous.
Wow.. It sounds to me like talking about mycoplasma (a known biological weapon) being injected into people is dangerous business, no?
So now we know that most of these autistic kids have one or more comorbid infections such as: mycoplasma, SV-40, measles and many others latent in their bodies... How do we get rid of it? How do we regulate the immune system by promoting latent viruses or infections to express out, so that the body may heal naturally?
Enter the extremely controversial study Dr. Bradstreet and Italian colleagues performed on GcMaf or macrophage therapy...
"Results: Individuals with ASD (32 males and 8 females, n 40, ages: 1 year 4 months - 21 years 2 months) had initial and post treatment assessment of Nagalase activity. Dosing of GcMAF was recommended based on previously reported response curves adjusted by the treating clinician for age, weight, and Nagalase levels. The average pre-treatment Nagalase activity of the autism group was 1.93 nmol/min/mg of substrate. This was well above the laboratory reported normal range of 0.95 nmol/min/mg. For the ASD group the average level at the time of second testing was 1.03 nmol/min/mg, reflecting an average reduction of 0.90 nmol/min/mg (P 0.0001). Apart from the likely immunological benefits of lowering the Nagalase activity of these individuals, uncontrolled observations of GcMAF therapy indicated substantial improvements in language, socialization and cognition. No significant side-effects were reported during the course of injections."
Study goes on to state that while 15 percent did not respond to this treatment, 70 percent had measurable improvements of immune regulation, while 15 percent showed recovery from autistic symptoms.
Though there is a long history of this type of treatment that dates back to 1900, The Washington Post and other mainstream news outlets would have you believe it to be quackery...
“Given there is no evidence that modulating the immune system would have any benefit for children with autism spectrum disorder – especially given ASD’s genetic or epigenetic basis – I am not sure why Dr. Bradstreet would want to use this for ASD,” Peter Jay Hotez, dean of Baylor’s National School of Tropical Medicine, told The Post in an e-mail.
NO evidence? Really?? Or maybe he is just ignorant to the long list of combordities that we already know frequently co-exist with the symptoms we call, autism. Or maybe he does know the immune system in autistic individuals is a hot-mess but doesn't think that regulating it would change their autism in any way. Hmm... Sounds a bit like word magick! In fact, I didn't really read in his statement that the therapy wasn't appropriate for autoimmune issues, just that there is "no evidence that modulating the immune system would have any benefit for children with autism spectrum disorder".
This article would also have you believing that Bradstreet claimed GcMAF treatments to be a complete cure.. poof.. like a magic wand for autism but that wasn't the case either and can be easily verified to be un-true by simply watching this video of his lecture discussing the therapy..
Dr. Bradstreet often used the word 'remission' when describing the recovered patients he treated and was careful not to use outright 'cure'; as in some cases symptoms returned; though in others, they did not but never the less, better to be cautious and we all know that's a loaded word.
Now enough of that...
Let's go back to the GcMAF study. It might not seem like much to say that 15 percent of the 1500 children were in remission of autistic symptoms after the macrophage therapy but when you consider the fact that these children were age range 1-20 and some may have spent years, 1000s if not millions of dollars on treatment, not to mention personal stress and their symptoms went away in 5 months? 70 percent experienced marked improvement and NO major side effects. Kids with autism are often regarded as more sensitive than patients with full-blown AIDS and there were no major side effects?
The most common reported side effect was a low-grade fever, which the patients were instructed not to suppress unless it went over 102. A low-grade fever when trying to express out latent disease sounds more like a benefit than a side effect. It sounds like the immune system actually working normal for a change....
Allow us once again, to go back to the original question... 'How Dangerous is it to find a cure for autism?' And to whom would it be dangerous? Pharma? Agri? The System as a whole? Of course the answer is 'yes' to all...
Even a 15 percent cure is a huge blow to the system...
Autism could potentially be the biggest cash cow in medical history... Allow me to re-phrase that..
Autism IS the biggest cash cow in medical history!!!!
"Thanks to increased awareness and diagnosis of autism, it's now known that one in every 88 (currently 1 in 68), American children is born with some level of the disorder. That's more than those affected by diabetes, AIDS, cancer, cerebral palsy, cystic fibrosis, muscular dystrophy or Down syndrome—combined.
But products and services for autism are woefully inadequate, according to advocates.
The big money is starting to take notice of investment opportunities that both could generate profits and help the autism fight.
Private equity and venture capital firms TPG Biotech, Shore Capital Partners, Bay City Capital, Great Point Partners and Google Ventures, plus hedge fund Scopia Capital Management are among the investors slated to attend the 2014 Autism Investment Conference next week in San Francisco.
The event is organized by Autism Speaks in partnership with Google, which is offering a separate workshop for entrepreneurs doing autism-related work."
If you consider the fact that it employs EVERY area of medicine... GI, Neuro, Psych, Immune, Allergy.. they have a higher rate of cancer, so even oncology.. then you add in rehabilitation: physical, speech and occupational therapy; behavioral therapy (costing around $200 an hour for which an average kid receives anywhere between 10-40 hours per week). A countless parade of other alternative therapies, parent and teacher trainings, conferences, lectures, yoga for autistic kids, karate for autistic kids, soccer for autistic kids.. you get the idea...
Cancer, AIDS, Heart Disease, etc might all be big revenue sources but they won't require specialist in every field including: law enforcement, dentistry, entertainment.. Think I'm exaggerating? Google: autism and any profession.
The food industry (think about the cost of gluten-free bread).....
Alternative medicine? HUGE! "Non"- Profits... forget about it!!!!
We're talking even household appliances... Air filters, water filters, sensory 'friendly' furniture... Try to think of ONE area in the service industry that hasn't changed and/or benefited from autism.. And now think of how many industries have been created as a result of it.
These are life long patients that will require employment training, group homes, hospital care, in-home / facility nursing, 1-1 supervision... etc. etc.
I've been known to say that autism was just the tip of the iceberg in the seek and destroy plan of the medical mafia.. I now take that back.. Autism IS the iceberg and we are riding the Titanic.
There's been international raids for the past several months on distributors of macrophage therapy including one that took place at Bradstreet's office, the day before his death.
So what do you suppose they found when they confiscated his office? Possibly that the patients being treated with the therapy were not relapsing as was the case in many of the cancer studies. Some of the cancer studies were shown to have patients recover as much as 100 percent and no relapse in 4-7 year follow ups...
"Normal Gc protein (also called Vitamin-D binding protein) , an abundant glyco-protein found in human blood serum, becomes the molecular switch to activate macrophages when it is converted to its active form, called Gc macrophage activating factor (Gc-MAF). Gc protein is normally activated by conversion to Gc-MAF with the help of the B and T cells (bone marrow-made and thymus gland-made white blood cells). But, as researchers explain it themselves, cancer cells secrete an enzyme known as alpha-N-acetylgalactosaminidase (also called Nagalase) that completely blocks conversion of Gc protein to Gc-MAF, preventing tumor-cell killing by the macrophages. This is the way cancer cells escape detection and destruction, by disengaging the human immune system. This also leaves cancer patients prone to infections and many then succumb to pneumonia or other infections.
The once-weekly injection of minute amounts of Gc-MAF, just 100 nanograms (billionths of a gram), activates macrophages and allows the immune system to pursue cancer cells with vigor, sufficient to produce total long-term cures in humans.
Nobuto Yamamoto, director of the Division of Cancer Immunology and Molecular Biology, Socrates Institute for Therapeutic Immunology, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, says this is “probably the most potent macrophage activating factor ever discovered.”
Once a sufficient number of activated macrophages are produced, another Gc-MAF injection is not needed for a week because macrophages have a half-life of about six days. After 16-22 weekly doses of Gc-MAF the amount of Nagalase enzyme fell to levels found in healthy people, which serves as evidence tumors have been completely eliminated. The treatment was fool-proof - - - it worked in 100% of 16 breast cancer patients and there were no recurrent tumors over a period of 4 years, says a report in the January 15 issue of the International Journal of Cancer. [International Journal Cancer.2008 January15; 122(2):461-7]
In another startling follow-up report by Dr. Yamamoto and colleagues, published in the upcoming July issue of Cancer Immunology Immunotherapy, Gc-MAF therapy totally abolished tumors in 8 colon cancer patients who had already undergone surgery but still exhibited circulating cancer cells (metastases). After 32-50 weekly injections, ”all colorectal cancer patients exhibited healthy control levels of the serum Nagalase activity, indicating era of metastatic tumor cells,”said researchers, an effect that lasted 7 years with no indication of cancer recurrence either by enzyme activity or CT scans, said researchers. [Cancer Immunology, Immunotherapy Volume 57, Number 7 / July 2008] Published in an early online edition of this journal, this confirming report has received no attention by the new media so far, despite its striking importance. "
Now before I go any further, let me make it clear that I am not attempting to solve a potential murder mystery here.. I am not speculating that this is anything more or less than what local sheriff's are currently claiming. However, I do believe you can ask whether or not a gunshot to the chest, given the rather uncomfortable positioning is a common way to commit suicide. Also, is it common to just happen to be standing by a river? The answer to these questions maybe, 'no', that it isn't common but that still doesn't mean it didn't happen.
Family and friends of Dr. Bradstreet have put together a fund-raiser to conduct an independent investigation.....
"To find the answers to the many questions leading up to the death of Dr Bradstreet, including an exhaustive investigation into the possibility of foul play. Thank you for your support!"
If you're a skeptic and don't believe the fundraising efforts are sincere, you can see for yourself the comments made by friends, family members, admirers, former patients and colleagues.
Even if Bradstreet was murdered, that doesn't mean it was over GcMAF. If you go back to the original lecture from Autism One, at around 33 mins. he shows slide pictures of a local farm using pesticides and states that he has covered up the farmer for his 'own protection'. He was also involved in multiple vaccine injury court cases including Bruesewitz vs. Wyeth which landed all the way to the Supreme court. He was involved in 2 congressional hearings including the Dan Burton report of 2002. His own son was one of the children scoped at the Royal Free Clinic by Wakefield's team for autistic enterocolitis. He has had his name on countless research papers, mostly studying potential autism / autoimmune disorder treatments.
Also, in a bit of a strange coincidence; there have been a total of 5 holistic health care providers in the Florida area that have died in mysteriously within weeks of each other.. What is all about?
At this moment in history it doesn't seem to be a question as to whether or not vaccines cause autism. Both anecdotal and scientific evidence clearly shows that they do. It is the big pink elephant in the room...
But to those so far in the thick of their indoctrination, it could be a big pink elephant, riding a unicycle and playing a trombone and they still wouldn't see it...
So why all the fear? What's more dangerous at this point, uncovering the cause or the cure?
I am not claiming to have the answer to that but I do know that the cause is abundantly obvious, while the cure remains elusive...
Citations for this article:
86 Research Papers Supporting the Vaccine/Autism Link:
The Big Investment Opportunity in Autism?
5th holistic health doctor (age 33) died in Florida, making 5 dead and 5 more missing:
Hear this Well Parents Speak Out:
CDC Autism Statistics:
Gastrointestinal Disease in Children with Autism:
Up all day and night with self-injurious autism behavior:
Garth Nicholson Institute for Molecular Medicine:
Project Day Lily:
Garth Nicholson Mycoplasma:
Dr Andrew Moulden: Every Vaccine Produces Harm:
Phage Therapy:
Pros and Cons of Phage Therapy:
How Schools are making big Money on ADHD:
Sorting out the function of Vit D receptors (VDR) aka GcMAF:
Persistent Measles Virus infection of the Intestines:
Arthur Krigsman MD Testimony over Congressional Oversight Committee on Vaccines and Autism:
NAA Medical Comorbidities in Autism Spectrum Disorder:
Dr. Bradstreet, Nagalase and the Viral Issue in Autism:
Initial Observations of Elevated Alpha-N-Acetylgalactosaminidase Activity Associated with Autism and Observed Reductions from GC Protein—Macrophage Activating Factor Injections:
MAF Research:
MAFActive can no longer support the research initiative:
Find this article on Aydan's Road to Recovery:
Dr Bradstreet did a lot of good work....There has been way too many holistic doctor either gone by supposedly suicide or murder in the last couple years. I can totally agree that this money wheel doesn't want to stop turning, and could put someone at risk if they would be to vocal about it. I 've read many of these articles, great info :)
I just can't imagine how the system would be capable of supporting 1 in 68 children with autism? Like mentioned above all the cost when they are young, but what about when they are older adults?
It's a scary thought indeed and many of our children are approaching their teen / adult years and the needs are getting greater.
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