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RE: [Autism] Asperger's and Fatigue

in #autism7 years ago

No worries dude. You are a rock star

Flaxseed Oil is one of the best. Cod liver oil tablets are great. Olive oil i cant say much as its really hard to find the pure organic ones as super markets here in UK just label everything organic and pure which is 100% bullshit.

check these out too i searched on google. let me know how you get on

do check as you are right about Freelancer website.


found one more site

I like the look of this one, I'll sign up this afternoon and have a look around. I realised last night that with Steemit I've got a nice portfolio of writings, so I could always check the freelance writing section out.
Thanks again for all this, it's really helpful! It's good to talk about it all too, helps motivate me.