in #autism5 years ago (edited)

CANCER virus was in Vaccines and GUN CONTROL, Invasion Happening

If you have always believed that your own doctor was there to protect you, think again. Most people who study to become doctors usually start off with good intentions but the Drug Company funded Medical Institutions have only taught students how to prescribe toxic drugs that have killed millions of patients.

This medical students have barely any instructions on nutrition which is a major factor in obtaining good health but they also have never been taught the truth about vaccines. Only that vaccines are safe but never show the true studies of how dangerous they are. No placebo was ever used in these false studies.

In the early days even when doctors pushed that smoking was good for you and even recommended a pack of cigarettes per day was good for you health, now we know that cigarette smoking leads to Lung Cancer and Vaping ( e-cigarettes ) are even more dangerous for your health as 6 people have died from Vaping so far.

Yes, there was Monkey Virus in Polio Vaccines that causes Cancer but scientists allow these vaccines to be sold to millions of people who later develop Cancer. The CDC knew this but covered up the facts.

If you think the CDC and FDA will warn you of all the children and adults that have died and been permanently damaged by the Gardasil HPV Vaccine, you are sadly mistaken. Your doctors, the CDC, the FDA, the Vaccine manufacturers, the hospitals and your own mainstream media are in this Vaccine Scam together. Social Media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, Twitter and Google have done their best to ban, censor and delete off any information regarding these dangerous vaccines.

IT'S ALL ABOUT MONEY FOLKS, there has never been any true studies and your kids are the test rabbits for the drug companies. Mostly the children and babies in Africa and India and some in the west have been considered collateral damage.

Those who may say that they have had vaccines all their life and never developed any serious, life threatening diseases. Well, if you looked at what time period you were born and how many vaccines you were exposed to plus what ingredients they had in those vaccines at the time then yes, some folks only got 4 vaccine their entire life before they realized the deadly problems with vaccines and stopped vaccinating.

The amount of toxic Aluminum that passes into a child's brain after vaccination with the help of recommended Tylenol is frightening. Do your own research on that. It's not the same as what you get in fish like some doctors will lie about.

So Please, Please do your own research if you want you'r child's brain to remain in tacked and not progress into Autism, ADD, ADHD, Neuropathy, Epilespy, Seizures, Learning Disabilities leading to a diagnose of a 'FAILURE TO THRIVE'.

And YES, most Doctors know that vaccines are dangerous and even avoided giving vaccines to their own kids BUT for fear of losing their medical license and the loss of mega Profits in the tune of $700,000.00 in vaccine bonuses per year, you'd better believe any doctor with his own office practice that turns down that big pay cheque must be a saint.

DEPOPULATION is the game. Don't forget, within these toxic and dangerous vaccines, the scientists have added infertility drugs as in the Gardasil Vaccine that destroys a girls/womlan's ovaries so they will have a harder time conceiving a baby and holding it within their uterus till full term. These greedy medical people also make tons of money off of the Infertility Clinics set up for couples who can't have their own kids, now are you getting the picture. Depopulating the west while those in the world of Islam are allowed have 2 or more wives and each wife bears 8 - 10 kids plus abortions are prohibited. Can you now see which cult as Islam is not a religion, which the New World Order ( Queen of England, Vatician, City of London, Rockefeller family, Rothschilds family, Guggenheim family, Morgans family, Carnegie family and their minions Bill Gates, Killary, Obummer, Justin Trudeau, the United Nation, NATO, NASA, WHO, FEMA, DARPA, DOJ, CDC, FDA, EPA, FED, BIS, ECB Credit Suisse, UBS, Virtu Financial, Central Banks, IMF, CME, George Soros, Alan Greenspan, BlockStream, AMEX, Bitfinex, Tether, EOS

All the above information is common knowledge on the web.

Please stay safe people and for my American families, DO NOT let go of your firearms as the DEEP STATE is stage and enginyeering as many False Flag Shootings as they are Measles Outbreak NUMBERS in order to frighten gullible citizens to demand gun control. Once they are able to convince the dumbed down population to remove all guns from law abiding citizens then all those in control who want to bring in a NEW WORLD ORDER/ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT contain only ONE religion in this case cult that is the Muslim's ISLAM, and they have you within their CENTRALIZED digital corrupt currencies that is LIBRA COIN, JPM COIN, AMLT TOKEN, FED NOW COIN, and China's CBDC then, just then all this EVIL FAMILIES that support the Rape, Torture, Eating and Murder of babies, and children will make it populations all over the world do whatever it like. I'm sure pedophiles like Killary will demand that all kids belong to the government and kidnap whoever they like under the guise of 'YOU DID NOT GET YOUR VACCINE' so your kid comes with me ... many parents now know that many kids send to the CPS CHILD PROTECTIVE SERVICES are then pimped out to politician, celebrities and the like.

WHY DO YOU THINK THE DEMOCRATS WANT OPEN BORDERS. The illegal, economic migrants and FAKE REFUGEES from ISLAMIC countries will soon outnumber the citizens of the West and Europe and BAM! Massive Civil War within countries fueled by the PEDOPHILE controlled Mainstream Media will fan the divide between citizens and illegals ( THINK CALIFORNIA, DEER BORN, MICHIGAN and all the other Sanctuary Cities in the United States will become NO GO ZONES for regular citizens when crime is allowed to grow under lslam's SHARIA LAW which allows the for the Rape and Marriage to girls as young as 6, the chopping off of hands, legs, and heads as punishment for petty crimes and the STONING to DEATH of supposed criminals in public for crimes as small as a woman looking at another man who is not her own husband.

For all those Feminist and people holding up those WELCOME REFUGEE signs, just know that each school in the United States and Canada are setting up or have already set up to teach ISLAM within schools that teach the HATE of anyone other than Muslims of Islamic faith. HOW CAN INVITING PEOPLE who have transportation to your borders funded by millionaire George Soros that HATE everyone but Muslims be a good thing to any country that want to maintain their culture . SHARIA LAW will destroy any and all culture you may have left.

Just remember the HISTORY. The Cult of Islam once raged over the globe, raping, killing and burning everything in it's path, luckily joint effect was found to push theses ISLAMIC MUSLIMS back into their own regions.

You think the United Nations and the World Health Organization who are controlled by these Child Raping families and individuals will inject toxic ingredients within vaccines into your child that's GOOD FOR THEM? With each dose of these Aluminum filled Flu Shots, Vitamin K Shots, and other Childhood vaccines, your child gets one step closer to brain damage, autoimmune diseases and Cancers which doctors will label as Autism, Seizure, Microcephaly (small head where the brain grows but the skull does not ), Fibromyalgia, Neuropathy, Juenvile Arthritis, Eczema, Type 1 Diabetes, Colic crying from the brain swelling within the skull, Sudden Infant Death Syndrome ( SIDS ), Leukemia, ADD, ADHD, FAILURE TO THRIVE, Dementia, Alzheimer's, thrush in their mouth aka fungus and yeast, Cradle Cap ( yeast and fungus on the head of babies aka progressive dandruff to some ). Acne, Chronic Fatigue syndrome, OCD, Anorexia,

By the way, many people who have had the Measles Vaccine did develop the Measles and the seniors who have had the Shingles Vaccine did also develop the Shingles after their vaccines plus some seniors who were forced to accept the FLU SHOT developed Alzheimer's immediately after the current Flu Vaccine.

Stay Safe and Keep Your Firearms Close

Countries that have very tight Gun Control has seen Violent Crimes skyrocket because the average law abiding citizen no longer has a gun to protect his family and neighbours BUT all the criminals who did not register have plenty of guns.

Last reminder, TRUMP is the LESSER of the TWO EVILS. He can only help America rebuild after the corrupt criminal Bankers and the FED stage this Financial Collapse and Dollar Reset to destroy the average American and drive you into their so called CENTRALIZED Cryptocurrencies like the FedNow, LIBRA, JPM coins and the AMLT Token which are EVIL in nature but TRUMP can NOT stop this BANKER AND FED created RECESSION that we are getting into.

TRUMP screws up when he tweets but I'd rather have a raging bull defend American than a controlled baby eating pedophile that may pitch a CENTRALIZED PEDO COIN.

Canadian need to watch out, your Trudeau swore allegiance to the PEDO QUEEN OF ENGLAND. He also is sooooo in favor of OPEN BORDERS and it's NOT because he want to save all those FAKE REFUGEES trying to escape the troops sent to country to kill and rape the citizens by Bush and Obummer so that they could controll all the opium poppy fields.

When Trudeau decide to only allow illegals, MUSLIMS and Fake Refugees into any sanctuary city aka NO GO ZONE or special part of the city/country that houses these people and allow for SHARIA LAW because it's politically correct then Canada is done for. TERMINATION BEGINS, when THEIR NUMBER grow, outnumbering your own citizens then they may call for a GIHAD to genocide all who are not MUSLIM. LOOK BACK ON HISTORY.

The Democrats may make it possible for illegals to vote so that they get to choose someone other than Trump. As soon as a Pedo Puppet is chosen other than Trump, they will make the U.S. into a MAD MAX WORLD, BEWARE!