I've been thinking about selling my car and sticking to public transport, but then I tend to experience a lot of anxiety with buses etc. as I have zero control over the situation. Buses/trains running late, the other people and so on. But then, the cost of running a car just isn't worth it, plus it brings a whole new set of worries. It's one aspect I miss of living in a (small) city, you can basically walk everywhere. I'll figure something out I'm sure.
Gosh, it really does sound like you have a hard time with energy levels. I know what you mean about it varying from day-to-day though, some days (if I've got enough lined up to do) I can just go and go, although I'll probably be completely run down the next day. It's all fairly new to me still, I only received a diagnosis a couple of years ago. I'd like to achieve a kind of middle ground, rather than this constant up and down of energy levels.
I got my diagnosis in December 2017, so I'm pretty new in all of this... I noticed I was sleeping a lot more than usually already about 3-4 years ago. When I wake up, it usually takes quite a long time until I'm fully awake and can stand up straight without looking like a penguin.
When travelling bus, I always take the one earlier bus instead of assuming the bus is on schedule... I live in a city of about 30.000 residents and closest bus stop is about 800 metres (0.5 miles) from my home. I used to dislike buses because all of the noises and generally bad suspension combined with lousy road quality here, but at least it is better alternative than staying at home inside four walls.
Mate, it's weird how similar our experiences with this stuff are. I'm exactly the same, I seem to require more sleep than most people, and waking up is such a hard task. It's like I'm not running on all cylinders for the first two hours of the day, my balance is slightly off and I swear my eye sight isn't as sharp first thing in the morning.
That's some good advice actually, when I was younger I was just a terrible time keeper, constantly running late for things. I think the town I live in has a similar population, maybe a few hundred less, and although I'm near bus stops, the buses round here are few and far between, massive cuts from the council recently. I need to think on it a bit more, the main reason I keep the car is for driving my girlfriend to and from work really, but she has friends/colleagues who are likely to pass their driving test soon, so if she can get lifts from them, I have no need for it. The constant worry about maintenance and cost, on top of the general stresses and fatigue caused by driving... it's not worth it.
Either way, like you say, it's better than staying inside these four walls 24/7.
One reason I liked to use public transport is that finding a good place to park a car around here isn't easy... Places where people can drive with car the parking space is either limited or costs a lot. In city centre of next biggest city, driving with own car is almost totally forbidden except to parking garages, bus station and railroad station.
Parking car in the city centre where I live makes little sense as it's about 1 km from where I live, so I can walk to and from there more easily... Plenty of places to rest if I get tired.
@mtl1979 I encourage you to look at the word of Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt M.D. of the Sophia Health Institute and of the Klinghardt institute. I'm passionate about natural medicine approaches and he's been an eye opening and enlightening figure to me in many ways.
Neural Therapy, as I believe it's called, is something I've read about in the recent past, and I have to be honest when I say it rubbed me up the wrong way. With many alternative medicines there's little harm done, homeopathy for example has never caused anyone harm directly, however this is dangerous. I'm all for natural medicine and holistic approaches, but Dr Klinghardt is not to be trusted from where I'm standing.
What troubles me is your apparent lack of understanding of Autistic Spectrum Disorder. I can assure you that electromagnetic fields do not cause or exacerbate symptoms of ASD. The fatigue often experienced by people with ASD is, as explained in the post above, partly due to our minds processing everything with our intellect rather than automatically like most neurotypical individuals, and that is very energy consuming. We still don't know enough about ASD, and I'm instantly very skeptical of anyone who claims to know the answers. I've already had a woman tell me her homeopathic remedies will cure my ASD, and it's becoming increasingly insulting to be perfectly honest. I don't mean to come across short or in any way aggressive, and I do encourage free and open discussion on pretty much anything, including alternative medicine.
I strongly recommend that you look into Rudolf Steiner, and his spiritual movement, anthroposophy. It's not a movement I necessarily subscribe to, however it is a group I've spent some time with and they have some interesting philosophies as well as an admirable way of living.
What do I 'apparently' not understand?
As this is not evidence but an anecdote and admittance you don't know whether or not by saying "We still don't know enough about ASD, and I'm instantly very skeptical of anyone who claims to know the answers." That doesn't prove or disprove anything. I agree the waters are muddied but that is because the corporate media/medical elite/financiers want the waters to be muddied.

The emitted radiation of EMF's is clearly shown to be destructive to our DNA and induces cancer. Why wouldn't there be neurological damage? https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5532627/
These graphs are not indicative of the cause of Autism, yet they're are clearly correlated. And don't forget vaccines and chemtrails, which increases our aluminum loads to be the most concentrated compared to those of any other measured levels in other populations. Anybody with a minimal understanding of statistics can see that. It's increasing exponentially and so is our toxic loads while our immune tolerances are quickly deteriorating...
Wow. I'll just point out correlation isn't causation, anybody with a minimal understanding of statistics should know that.
Stop pushing your harmful pseudoscience on people, it won't work.
I just try to completely avoid all medicines and supplements... I've tried too many of them already and all I got was 10 kg underweight and stomach issues so bad they had to put me two IV drips...
Ok, just to clarify his approach would not consist of any synthetics unless it was extremely necessary as in the case you have an exceptionally high level of metal toxicity, he might use synthetics to release metals from the body but other than that the doctor takes a dietary and lifestyle approach with emphasis on environmental toxicity, restoring the gut microbiome, and psychology/spirituality as well. It also heavily focuses on reducing EMF exposure, which is electromagnetic frequencies/radiation. There are lifestyle adjustments to reduce radiation exposure and methods to reduce its effects. He is a wealth of knowledge in regards to detox and its relation to neurological illnesses, especially ASD and Lyme's. His approach is very multi-dimensional and I'm really not doing him justice, I hope to encourage you to give him an ear sometime
I can't avoid EMF as I live in area where terrestrial TV signal is blocked almost completely by EMF. Even mobile phones that usually are quite tolerant to EMF barely work.
Funny thing is that I watched cable TV for two months before I noticed that I didn't have the cable even plugged in to socket...
http://www.sophiahi.com // https://klinghardtinstitute.com