
I'm calm now! honest!That's very good advice, and I'll definitely stop myself from clicking on the unintelligible guff @truthtrain calls writing. If idiots like that were capable of understanding the harm they cause, the world would be a better place. It was @truthtrain that particularly pissed me off. If you're reading this @truthtrain, go shove your crappy merch right up your arse.

I can have a debate without being immature .
Obviously someone cannot.

You're right completely hijacking someone else's post with your own agenda is very mature.

Chief, if you would like to debate this I am all up for it. I'm not hiding behind anonymity, I'm being painfully honest when I say that I believe your kind are bullshit peddling con artists with the intellectual capabilities of a shrew. But, if you would like to debate this topic, with peer-reviewed reputable sources and no petty name calling, then bring it good sir.
I'll be honest, again, and say I was purposefully being infantile to try and goad you into responding to this. I want to know why you think the way you do. What has lead you to your beliefs? The copy and paste job you've done on this post has failed to convince me of your point of view.

That's cute thanks :)

You're very welcome, your snake oil peddling guff doesn't fly with me sadly. I've read as much of your ahem sources as I can, you clearly have a very low standard for proof.

That was very unimpressive chief.