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RE: The first year of life! INJECTION CITY!!

in #autism7 years ago (edited)

You should be my doctor because you just assume and dismiss anything that benefits your worldview and for which you provide no evidence. I should just pay you to inject me with toxins and heavy metals because you know that's what's responsible for the immunization in the USA and probably the rest of the world in extension to that.. how about provide good SOURC[ES](NOTE PLURALITY) for your ASSUMPTIONS instead of having no real argument or case... SATURATED FATS ARE BAD THO


You actually had it right before - the combination of saturated fat and high sugar (particularly fructose) is the issue. Good old fashioned fat itself is fine (and tasty too!). Sugar is fine too, but it appears in combination in many "junk" foods and that is an issue. However we drift from my question - why are truthtrain's t-shirts saving babies?

Oh, before I forget - we don't pay for medicine in my country. It is free at the point of consumption.

Out of 32 developed nations the US takes the most vaccines and has the highest IMR . 3 doses of vaccines has more death/hospitalization than 2 doses administered in a single visit, 4 doses more than 3 and so forth done all the way to 8 vaccines. You're drifting from the question. Stop being petty and nasty over someone's art... LOL You're so lame. Vaccines kill babies. You don't think so. You're entitled to your opinion but do some research or provide some reasoning/evidence/anything. But AGAIN, you'll come back with some claims backed with no evidence as you have for the past 12 comments. HAHAHAHA... Like.. what?