I've recently been playing Far Cry 5 and couldn't help but draw comparisons between Kanye West and his U.S. Presidential campaign slogan and John Seed's Eden's Gate motto, "Yes."
Ye decided to,
(The Guardian)
Of course, there's little to no chance he'll actually end up on the ballot nationally at this point, but we only have to look back to the last Presidential election for an example of wild odds becoming harsh reality.
Me personally though, I'm more concerned about reconciling my love for some of his music with his opinion on vaccines. Even though he didn't mention autism specifically,
Yikes! Fortunately, if his most recent track with Travis Scott is any indication, it shouldn't be too hard for me to, at least, pass on his upcoming album titled, God's Country, appropriately. To me, this single is just meh.
He continues,
So if I'm following the (absence of) logic here, Mr. West's God wouldn't let a child vaccinated by their parents into heaven? Or is it the parents themselves who wouldn't be allowed in; none of us?
Either way, given that black people are more likely to be hospitalised or killed by Covid-19, perhaps God would have something to say about Ye's agenda against potentially (black) life-saving medical care.

The Colour Grey available here as ePub, in paperback, or from Amazon here as an ebook. For a FREE pdf copy and to help me raise $1,500 to help fund asd related research in my community, please consider donating any amount to this gofundme (all donations go directly to the Marcus Autism Center).

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