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RE: The Autism Club: Autism Awareness Swag - Do We Really Need It?

in #autism8 years ago

I'm starting to understand the need for a little something on my person that tells the world that we are still under construction.

I think that your son is perfect and it is probably the rest of us that are flawed. People on the spectrum are trying to figure us out as much as we are trying to figure out them. Who in their right mind would judge that? Make someone feel bad for learning the world? Shame on them.

My son is verbal, and hovering somewhere close to Aspberger's side of the spectrum. And we have had to fight tooth and nail against the judgemental overtones of other parents and some teachers along the way. We even had a teacher tell us once they had a hard time "pacifying" our son, like he was some kind of nuisance that just needed to be pushed to the side for a quick fix.

There is no quick fix, only a long game. Behavior therapy, speech therapy, social stories, meltdowns, new days, rinse, repeat. It's not easy. But it's a life filled with love.


We are just starting to settle into our long game. We have a special educator whom we love. She comes twice a week, and I think she's helped me just as much as she's helped my son! I've noticed a difference when I'm around parents of children with any kind of disability. There is more of a "it takes a village" feel than a judge-y "your kid better be nice to mine" kind of feel.

That is awesome! It is amazing when you can find someone that you can really trust and can really help too. It opens up a brand new world of possibilities you never knew existed before.

Our son has a 1:1 aide for at least half of his schedule at school and she is so amazing for him and us. She sends us all kinds of updates and gives us all kinds of new ideas of what is working at school that might not be working at home, and vice versa. She is patient, kind, caring, and indispensable. Special education is truly a calling, and we are very fortunate to live in a community that values it!