If you are looking for a large number of followers, more likes and more comments on your each post on Instagram, what will you do? Follow influencers, increase followers, use hashtags, and post regularly. Right! But, Instagram has approximately 400 million active users. So, there is a doubt on whether these methods will work or not. That’s why, it is important to have an easy and viable way to connect with more followers and get more likes. And that one is Instagram bots, an automatic way that lets you opt to the right people to follow and generates attention by automating the liking process. In fact, a lot of international brands are also using it - Uber, Shopify, United Nations Foundation, Deus & Machina, etc. (Source - http://naomidsouza.com/autolike-bots/)
But, if these Instagram bots are so fruitful, why some experts suggest not to use them more for more likes and comments. Do they affect engagement %. Are auto-like/follow bots really that unethical? Let’s discover! (Source - http://naomidsouza.com/autolike-bots/)
Instagram bots depend on the way you are using them. If using smartly, it can do wonders for you. This’s why the leading brands have also been using bots. To find out whether auto-like/follow bots are unethical or not, it is imperative to know how they work and why they are used.
The popular auto-bots are Instagress and Archie.co. Here are the details based on the use of Instagress.
How they work?
The software can be manipulated any time and you can target REAL people. You can like pictures of those people only whom you select and comment on the pictures according to the guidelines you provide – from hashtags, location, etc. You can even put the username of someone (ABC) and ask Instagress to like/follow only the followers of ABC.
Why they are used?
Celebrities are moneyed and that’s why they pay social media teams and managers to handle and manage their accounts. Many PR executives are also hired to promote such accounts. But, what about small businesses, businesses running on losses and budding bloggers? What should they do?
Using social media has become a bandwagon. Almost everyone is using social media. And in those ‘everyone’, your future clients are also present. If you use these bots, they can bring their attention to your profile (for example, when you like or follow them, they get a notification). You can interface more, connect with more followers and this can result in more sales.
Your social media profile is not less than a portfolio for you. The bots will help your portfolio maximize your social reach which is impossible to do if doing humanly. Imagine yourself, can you sit with your phone 24 hours, like pictures and comment to get attention? Not possible at all. The important thing here is attention. No matter, whether you get it by physically or digitally.
4 main features of any Instagram bot are – like, comment, follow and unfollow. You can use these features when interacting with someone on Instagram. When you automate these activities, it just needs a few settings. Set hashtags you want to connect with and the bot does it for you. It all depends on you because computers are based on our inputs. They will do only that which you tell them to do. This clearly hints over hashtags to focus. Do research on hashtags to use because they are important for success.
By liking and following, you will get the real followers and can opt to desired locations such as India, USA, UAE and specific hashtags.
Use of Instagram bots in the right direction is very imperative because they help companies grow their brands rapidly and gain more visibility. If not used professionally, they can harm you.
Important note – if your content quality is not good, the followers who are real people will not follow you. And if your content is great, no needs to worry as you have attracted the attention of followers. So, boost your engagement rate with great content.
What you should never do
Don’t follow or unfollow someone unintentionally.
Reaching a bigger audience on Instagram can be such a challenge, especially with how the algorithm works. Bots can be tempting for engagement, but they often lack that authentic touch, which can turn followers off. I found that giving my posts a little boost in genuine-looking likes really helped with visibility, especially on new Reels. I used https://viralgrowing.net/buy-instagram-likes/ and it helped get my posts seen by more people without feeling spammy. It’s a nice balance if you want to grow organically but just need that initial push to get noticed.