Do not take into consideration driver's age, sex, etc...
Although it is an automatic driving car that is rapidly progressing toward realization, the technology to be overcome is not limited to technology alone.
Meanwhile, the committee of experts convened by the German government announced " Ethical guidelines for Automated Driving Vehicles". Participating members include prosecutors and other prominent professors in expertise in criminal law, engineering, ethics and prominent professionals and leaders of consumer groups. Among the ethical rules, from the common sense range that "protection of human beings is given priority over anything", "When an unavoidable accident happens, the age, gender, mental and physical condition of human being It is strictly forbidden to consider categorizing and considering rules that are a little bit more than the abstract argument so far that it is accepted that behaving to reduce the number of victims as a rule at the general level is accepted "If the automatic driving system judges that accidents can not be avoided, if "Who will be saved" is prescribed to the system, it means that "the weight of life" is decided.... Instead, it can be convinced that ethics rules must be formulated with a more neutral stance.
With respect to automatic operation vehicles should save anyone, MIT has previously conducted questionnaire "you were old people to lose their lives in traffic accidents" in "you were a child" and "you were pregnant women" in de fastball of life the weight. In case you have to choose someone, it is natural that these answers differ depending on the person. In this ethics rule, the basic policy of "I try not to choose it" was proposed.
Besides, "It must be designed to be able to reliably distinguish between an automatic driving system that does not require a human hand completely and an automatic driving system that can be switched to automatic operation" From the rule that allocation of responsibility such as timing (accelerator and brake) timing must be recorded and stored "from the rule" Driver does not carry the necessary certificate "From the viewpoint of administrative and consumer rights, even rules such as It is also mixed with " People have the right to know the latest technologies and development status of automatic driving vehicles, information on what kind of organization they are being monitored in a transparent way possible".
Software and technology must be designed so that there is almost no necessity emergency to transfer control suddenly to the driver. It is not designed to make efforts for the human side to adapt to the system, but it must be designed to bring the system closer to the human communication characteristics.
There is also pointed out that. It certainly seems that it will not be good to require a special operation against anti-human intuition, such as in an emergency. That means that human behavior is not limited to the efficiency of the computer, but the system must adapt to natural behaviors for human beings.
Although the field to which the rule is applied and the concretely are considerably disjointed, It is a very good thing that the German government is actively trying to create concrete guidelines.

Germany truly fulfills its pioneer role within the automation and self-driving field providing subsidies on R&D and being home to an impressing, fast-growing automotive industry. Once again, thanks for this beautiful review @mytechchrunch.