
Exactly. I keep hearing that the Chinese offer huge low interest loans to these poor countries in exchange for access to their mines and minerals.

Then when the countries can't pay, which they know they won't be able to, they take control all the resources and the ownership of them completely. It's a devilish scheme.

Oh yeah! Very clever to rape the continent my friend.
But then again, who hasn't benefited greatly from this continent?
I will be off to bed soon!

Good point. They used to call it The Dark Continent, I don't know if they still do but Cape Town is a light in the darkness with some hope isn't it?

Don't know for how much longer my friend.
That's why we prefer to stay and work in the rural areas.
Cities and their surrounding townships are slowly turning into gang lands.

oh my...I don't know what to say about that but it leaves me shaking my head.

Hahaha, just don't walk around in public shaking your head my friend, the people would think that you are just as dippy in the head as I am Lol.
Joking aside, no worry as we are used to it.

I hope everyone doesn't get TOO used to it though. There needs to be a peaceful rebellion doesn't there?