Avatara ICO

in #avatara7 years ago


Avatara ICO

Anders Larsson, co-founder allcoinWiki, Avatara Advisor, Top 5 ICObench Advisors Disrupting the telepresence industry: “Imagine entering an “Avatara body”, Steering another person, at another location on earth, Seeing what they see, experiencing what they experience. What would you do first? Where would you go first?”

AVATARA — immediate moving around the world without language barriers.

We are the first who came up with the idea and published it in Mass Media*

But there was no proper internet connection in early 2011. Now in 2018, the time for AVATARA has come, and we create a new profession and a new service for millions of people across the globe.

Who is Avatara? — Person, robot, drone

Avatara is a new job for anybody worldwide. Everyone can be an Avatara — both a professional reporter with the proper equipment or just a person with Google glasses or a mobile phone with a camera. Everybody has a mobile phone or a tablet PC that inevitably entails mass using of AVATARA.

Avatara connects with you, and you see their world through their eyes, hear as if it’s your own ears, move wherever you need and communicate with associates. You can even have a translation inserted.

What is the AVATARA service? — All the world telepresence services gathered at the single portal https://avatara.world that is the biggest platform of the user-generated content.

AVATARA is a service for the mass use right from the very start. It’s a decentralized platform and a mobile application for searching, communication, and secure transactions between all participants of the service. Smart contracts provide safe deals, and the mobile app — the convenience and the mobility.

Why do we use the blockchain?

The blockchain is the essential component of AVATARA services because of its transparency and security. The blockchain allows each party to see the full history of a contractor from a registering up to the last deal with no opportunity for data garbling.

AVATARA makes a significant contribute and expands the global infrastructure of blockchain use, that is so significant for the crypto community for the moment.

How does it work? — There are two main approaches — when you steer Avatara and when guide-interpreter guides you.

Approach №1 — A telepresence service for the immediate moving to any location in the world by renting an Avatara person and an Interpreter (optional). All parties (Customer — Avatara — Interpreter) are connected through the Internet and communicate with each other using services like Skype.

The customer can get to any place of Avatara presence and:

to see everything the Avatara sees;
to hear everything the Avatara hears;
to move within the area (steering the Avatara, telling him where to go and what to do);
to consult with the Avatara any questions about local habits and aspects;
to communicate with people around the Avatara, without language barriers and be visible for them.
Approach №2 However, not only you can steer the Avatara. The different option is when guide-interpreter directs you and translating for you, being a local for a foreign guest.

Imagine you arrive in Beijing as a tourist, found a local guide-interpreter on the AVATARA portal, connected with him and broadcast everything you see from your mobile phone. You can also use your video glasses or purchase branded AVATARA glasses in a vending machine at any airport in the world. The guide shows you the way, translates what you see and if needed communicates with people around you. Thus you immediately acquire a virtual guide-interpreter at a low price. Millions of people travel around the world and AVATARA makes their journey more comfortable.

How does a Customer find an Avatara? — We have a user-friendly interactive map at the portal.

The Customer enters our portal with the world map and finds the desired location. Numerous colored dots on the map are Avatars with different options and equipment. The Customer sends a request, receives confirmation thus a secure deal created, and telepresence session begins. Upon broadcast completion, the deal closes, and parties (an Avatara or an Interpreter) receive their payment.

Avatara is the scale of Uber or Airbnb, and we also make the spatial movement as available as it’s possible.

The proposed telepresence model has almost no difference with personal presence, except for substantial saving time and money. Own presence available only for 15% of the world population — the rest 85% cannot afford to move around the world, because of its expensiveness. Just imagine — you can in a few minutes hire an Avatara and spend $70–100 instead of booking tickets and a hotel, wasting your time and $1000 on a trip. The money you can save, you can spend a better way, for example, on your family — that’s awesome!

Where to apply Avatara service?

Mass Media — High quality content from freelance reporters without commissions of agencies and intermediaries. Fresh and fast content for SM and YouTube bloggers.
Marketing — New markets or products research. Avatara as a promo staff for retail.
Business — Business agreements, buying product samples, supply quality control — as an alternative for business trips.
Education — Attend conferences, events, lectures, visit museums.
Social life — Solving various issues (personal, domestic) for people with disabilities or other possible limitations.
Tourism — Guide-interpreter in a foreign country, city, anywhere.
Shopping — Your representative at Christmas sales or a Black Friday in Milan.
Real estate — Property preview, communication with neighbors, surroundings inspection.
Entertainment — Adventure games, visiting and playing casino in Las-Vegas.
The project is gonna be a center of worldwide news and events.

That’s why we decided to create our own news channel the “A*News” and gather all telepresence service providers at one global portal.

What is the financial model? — The total minimum is about 14,480,000 orders per year in 251 countries.

We receive the % of each transaction committed using our platform and the percentage from all purchases using AVATARA shopping service. Commercials at “A*News” channel, subscription fees and providing of the user-generated content market. We also plan to produce gadgets under “AVATARA” trademark and sell it using our partners’ network.

Why do we think AVATARA is doomed to success?

We offer the world the service that saving time and money along with creating millions of workplaces. All these advantages are crucial in our modern world, where companies and individuals are always in the exploration of new opportunities to save expenses and for earning a living.

Our services are already highly demanded and supposed to work right at the start. Stringers (freelance reporters), YouTube bloggers, guide-interpreters, robots, and drones are the enormous disparate market that we unite at AVATARA.

Soon, the connection between the Customer and the Avatara will be direct “Conscience–Conscience,” and even though now, it seems fantastic, the world is changing rapidly, and many countries are already working on that technology.

AvataraCoin (aVaTaRa — VTR-token) description:

60% of VTR tokens to be sold to investors during Pre Sale, Pre ICO, and ICO stages. Unrealized tokens supposed to be burned.
19% of VTR tokens are reserved for the Bounty Affiliate Program, R&D and for the system maintenance in 251 countries of the world (Pre Sale, Pre ICO, ICO, after ICO).
21% of VTR-tokens are intended for the fund of founders, worldwide partners, and the service developers (after ICO). This amount be frozen for a year.
AvataraCoin (VTR) will have the high demand as it’s the only mean of payment for all provided AVATARA services.

AvataraCoin (VTR) is a utility token (proved by Howey test) and is purchased for getting AVATARA services.


About the project https://avatara.world/ru (site in 9 languages)

About the ICO, founders, team, advisors… https://avatara.world/ru/ico

Official Telegram https://t.me/avatara_ico

Youtube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmHMoovUueQxr4VKMeE6IKg/videos

Facebook https://www.facebook.com/avatara.world

Twitter https://twitter.com/Avatara_World

Medium https://medium.com/@matrixekiber

Whitepaper https://avatara.world/ru/ico#documents

ANN Thread, Bounty, … https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3019942.msg31063968#msg31063968


E-mail: [email protected]

*We are the first who came up with the idea and published it in Mass Media https://avatara.world/content/media
