Hello steemians, I just want to share with you my entry for the Anime Villains Drawing by @julstamban contest. Hope you like.
Hola Steemians, quiero compartir con ustedes mi entrada para en el concurso de Anime Villains Drawing by @julstamban.
I share the same passion as @julstamban for the villains, in my personal opinion, the villain is almost the same and in some cases more important than the protagonist, since from him our hero forges his character, the more powerful our villain is. Our hero must strive.
Comparto la misma pasión que @julstamban por los villanos, en mi opinión personal, el villano es casi igual y en algunos casos más importante que el protagonista, ya que a partir de él nuestro héroe forja su carácter, mientras mas poderoso sea nuestro villano mas debe esforzarse nuestro héroe.
Algunas fotos de mi Dibujo, paso a paso

Sketch and first strokes, in graphite pencil.
boceto y primeros trazos, en lápiz de grafito.
Lineart, with Rapidograph
Lineart, con Rapidografo
We start with the color, Faber Castell pencils.
Empezamos con el color, lapices Faber Castell.
Final Result.
Resultado Final.
Rules for the contest are there:
Reglas de concurso aqui:
Send 0.250 Steem or 0.250 Steem Dollars and URLs in the memo you want redeemed and upvoted.
Follow me So I'm your Upvote is the only thing I can support.
Quality entry! I like the process and how you used the entire spread of the page! Good luck with the contest :)
Very nice work, diego! His sadness is so palpable on his face ; __ ; GOOD LUCK with the competition <3