There are places where you can eat while having a view. Depends on the airport.
About the communication systems... it depends on where the plane is a small plane or a jet. There are plenty of antenna's on almost any plane. VHF, HF, COM, Transponder. So in order to take all of them out I would assume a general fault or a full power out. Many planes also have an APU (auxiliary power unit) and a set of batteries. Emergency power on a jet is supplied by a little propeller being extended from the fuselage called a Ram Air Turbine:
On a small plane, it's more tricky, but essentially even if the plane's electrics are dead, the plane can be landed via the VFR (visual flight rules). Some of the data can be retrieved by installing a little app on your phone (i'm not kidding), I wrote about it on Steemit
Theoretically, you could use that app to land, to an extent. It would help if you had a Barometer in your phone, such as the Xiaomi Mi5 I have.
So, there are good chances that you can land it anyway, of course, that is a very very small chance that you will lose everything at once. Usually, only one fail happens and it's almost always redundant.