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RE: Airport and Airway Operations - Following your plane from Gate to Gate

in #aviation7 years ago

This actually sounds like it'd be a basis for a fun game for certain hardcore simulation fans. Have you ever heard of an ATC sim?


Yes! I am developping an ATC Sim
What I get paid for! :D

That's awesome, I didn't realize that!

A long time ago, a company I worked for (but not my dept.) wrote a high-fidelity vehicle sim. The market is small, but super duper loyal. Best of luck to you!

If you ever want to write up a post about the development process (or have written it up and I'm unaware), I can guarantee I'd be interested in reading about it.

I'd have to ask for permissions to write about it.
It's a super small market (7-10 ATC sims worldwide) and the amount of software plagiarisers is great. Somebody copied half of our GUI and we attended the same Expo :D
But we'll see!

Oh man, why do people have to do stuff like that.
Well, if you do get permission, let 'er rip.