
I am happy to have made your day!
Wait until I will talk about actual Air Traffic Control.

I hope I won't miss this post ;)


You made this way too easy :D

missed... (not credible I know)

I have actually read the Wikipedia about sgluons afterward :)
Great shmuck I was..
Thanks for educating me!

I can't find such a page. I am very curious. Can you please share the link? ;)

I am lazy so I went with the first result - Wiktionary @ which says

"(physics) The hypothetical superpartner of a gluon." which made me go "hmm" and check out the gluon Wikipedia.

I had to reread what you have said on Discord since this definition sent me sideways. So yea, I had no idea it was not a supersymmetrical particle.

I remember having seen the "Down the Rabbithole" documentary when it launched, which was my first connection to Particle Physics. I still remember word by word what Hagelin said that he researched: "Supersymmetrical flipped SU5 grand unified field theory" I was like WTF, is that even real? I have a good memory of stuff and I then did the research myself. I was young, and I never revisited the documentary, but had my suspicions of its validity. It was close to "The Secret" so you can imagine the need to document claims :))

I am always open to new stuff, wish I had more time to indulge myself in all.