Hello EVIL, are you still there?

in #awakening5 years ago (edited)

What a fantastic RNC finale last night. Trump, and all the speakers throughout the 4 day convention, was awesome! But, still too many are drinking the kool-aid, including 2 homes here in our neighborhood. How sad is that? It's pretty clear cut between Trump and Biden; Good vs EVIL.

But, more importantly, this blog is about "Q" and how the president did such a fantastic job of distancing himself but not distancing himself from "Q", after being asked by the media if he supported the "conspiracy theory". The Great Awakening is about Good vs EVIL and we are not violent people. But, Antifa and BLM are violent people. The time to take them all down must happen soon.

BUT, WHAT IS HAPPENING IN ARIZONA? Amazing Polly has a video on how a lot of the child trafficking is centering around Arizona. Very interesting information. This video has made me question the sincerity of Craig Sawyer and https://www.vets4childrescue.org.

I was a supporter of this organization and just knew that Craig was an honest, decent man destined to clean up child trafficking. I even donated money and would not believe anything negative about him and then I heard an interview with Sarah Westall and Timothy Holmseth. I really felt for Timothy and was truly worried about his safety. Frank Bacon tried to get him on Steemit and then I emailed Vets4ChildRescue asking that they help protect him. I cannot confirm that anyone read that email but sometime much later I heard that Craig Sawyer was threatening Timothy and that he may in fact not be such a good guy. Craig squelched information coming out about a camp on COMEX cement land in Arizona that was being used for trafficking. Craig called out the "veteran" (maybe he wasn't a veteran, I don't know) who tried to make a case about that area. I believed Craig and again wouldn't listen to anything negative that was said about him. I believed many of Timothy's allegations about child sex trafficking but still did not believe what he was saying about Craig Sawyer. And, then came Isaac Kappy. Frank and I talked to Isaac and Frank tried to get him on Steemit. I immediately emailed Craig and Vets4ChildRescue asking them to please protect Isaac. Again, never heard back from them so can't confirm they received my email or not but suddenly Isaac kept saying he was well protected and I felt that surely Craig and his team were looking after him. Well, most of you know that story and how it ended. If indeed Craig and his team were "protecting him" why did he jump off a bridge? Now, that so much is coming out about Arizona is Craig Sawyer a good guy or a bad guy with ties to Hillary, McCain and child sex trafficking?

I'm just asking questions.

Please listen to Amazing Polly...


Amazing Polly! I love her. Thanks for posting this.

It's important for us all to remember that each "side" thinks the other "side" is evil, and the battle this year is not which is the lesser evil. For both sides, the choice is clear. I have found quite a few liberals who will not vote for Biden though, and are considering the Greens more seriously than they did last election, even though the candidate this year is inferior to that of 2016. But what I am trying to say is, our fellow citizens are not the enemy, no matter who they support for president.

True but Biden will only bring socialism and bring back the cabal. The green party can't do anything. We're at the crossroads. This is the election between good and evil. Make no mistake. I'm talking about those who are governing us, not our fellow citizens. Of course there are good people on the Left but it's time to wake up and take a stand. Thank you for your comment owasco