What happens when we fall in sleep?

in #awakening6 years ago


It is important that you know that our dreams are divided into two parts.

In the first part that lasts for approx. 2 to 3 hours the karmicons wait for you to come to the dream world and they immediately grab you and transport you to their places. You won’t remember any of these dreams because they block your memory so you wouldn’t remember what they are doing to you.

Maybe you will remember that you traveled far away and then returning usually in the company of other dreaming people. What happened there you won’t remember.

These first couples of hours you will spend in different classes, meetings, and other activities under the karmicons control and by the scripts that were written for you incarnant and his incarnation as you.

When they finish with you they throw you in the common dreams in which you will dream the rest of your dreams. Earthlings are dreaming alone in the dream worlds that are replicas of the real worlds from where our incarnants came to us.

This part of dreaming is also not meant for your fun but to pay karmic debts from all of our incarnants from our incarnational vertical (more about it in the book). That’s why the nightmares, unpleasantries and violence are so often present in your dreams.

If you wake up lost, scared and sweaty wet, be sure that you have paid off a large chunk of the karmic debt of your incarnant from you vertical:)

That also means that daily themes from your wake life are the smallest part of your dreams.

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The karmicons are often and completely controlling you in your dreams, secretly pushing and inserting their thoughts, feelings, and emotions to you. They can also speak through you and use your dream body for their nasty acts. They can do it in your wake state, too, but that is not so often and so obviously.

When you awake with exercises for awakening and become aware you will easily recognize their thoughts, feelings, emotions, and impulses. If, and often they will be, they will be harmful, you won’t accept and execute them, of course.

For the awakened one the possible violent acting in dreams is not transgressive because we are not fully aware. Whatever you do in your dreams or to whatever the karmicons will heinously force you to do, be calm, it was just a dream and not your awakened aware life.

It is good to know that if you use sleeping pills, drink or and drug you probably won’t lucid dream. With drugs, your dreams can be very vivid and colorful and crazy but it will be hard for you to lucidly drive them as you wish.

If you wake up with the alarm clock which shockingly snaps you from your dreams, you won’t remember them. It’s good that you go to sleep earlier and choose the nice and enough loud sound for awakening. You better set two alarms, just in case.

When you slowly awake and are still in half sleepy and dreamy state between worlds try to remember your dreams and write them on the paper. You will remember dreams by repeating them a couple of times when you are still in bed and before writing them. Dreams are easy to forget. If you wake up during the sleep and you dreams something important, write it immediately.

Persons that are very tensed and nervous during the day as are cholerics and violence ones, who are holding and squeezing the people and objects in their claws, don’t gradually fall to sleep, they momentarily lose their awareness when they let go of the prey from their grabby hands.

These persons rarely remember their dreams. Besides the awakening, more about exercises in my book Letters to Palkies, it’s very good for them to learn to fully and quickly relax and meditate. In the meditation, they will get used to slumberly nap and slowly falling in dreams so they will become aware of the passage from a waking state to dreams.

It is good to know that you will the most easily lucid dream after 8 hours of ordinary sleep. After that time you can be lucid for three and more hours without interruptions. Except if you wake up because of some external reasons. And you will remember almost all of your dreams, too.

That’s why is good that you afford yourself more sleeping and more (lucid) dreaming.

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Sleep well and have nice and lucid dreams.

All the best to all.


If you want to know more about lucid dreaming and how you can find the information about your incarnant from another planet that sleeps in your head in lucid dreams read my new book Letters to Palki Messages to my friends on another planet:


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