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RE: I Changed My Mind About God - Here's Why

in #awakenwithjp2 years ago

Satan is actually not a name it is a noun that means adversary. God's satan(adversary) is Lucifer. Devil is what is referranced as the supreme "spirit" of evil. So Lucifer is Gods satan(adversary) with the devil(supreme spirit of evil). But he also is referranced as the "wicked tongue" giving call to the original lie and the Father of Lies.

Change is the great denial. The mind doesn't like change and resisists it out fear. Change can be difficult to and over time, we develop the habit of not changing. Change, however, is inevitable. Those that adapt to change and embrace it are more likely to succeed. Like getting a new job. If you resist that change, you are more likely to fail at it. But if you go to work the first day and have a positive attitude and outloook, it is easier to adapt and grow with the change in your life structure.

Children represent a great change. It is what brings many aspects of life for those that have their first child, to a close. It is the end of all night parties or spontaneouos adventures or vacations. It means a new responsability and this is one of the main influences for resisting change. This experience lingers and it makes you want to keep change from happening.

We can do a great many things with prayer. I like the idea of asking God and Jesus to help them.
If it doesn't work, I have a feeling we are all going to have to pray for our Lord and Savior to bring about the final day. It seems clear to me that this is what the chosen will need to do so that the Lord is invoked and called to us. This is our Lord and Saviors Kingdom. He is Lord of Heaven and Earth by right of our Father and his Father. His sacrifice and love is what gives us our call to be saved.
Repent for the Rapture is upon us.
Speak the word of God as we are chosen.
Though I feel that the moment of the Great Beginning is going to come in the next 12 days. The numbers all call for it.
I can say that in the Hebrew Calander the year is 5783. If it starts this year the final year will be 5790.
In the Hebrew Lexicon, when you call the number 579. It is all about the "rejection" of bad. Like the judgement day. Some people chose door number 2 when they already knew Jesus was behind door number 1.