How To Get Awards FROM Your Customers

in #awards6 years ago (edited)

On Sunday, I was given an award by one of my clients for having the highest impact on their business as a non-employee for the year. This means that outside of people he pays to work as employees in his business, I had the most impact on their growth in the last 12 months. I was actually given a physical award and recognized in front of all of their clients. I expected it and didn’t at the same time. I expected it because I know the level of service and level of value I exchange with my clients, particularly this one. It was unexpected to a degree because not all clients will share something like that unsolicited and with no prompting. Today I want to share with you what I did so that you can do it too and use this level of satisfaction to grow your business.

#1 Spend your money with people. This client of mine owns a barber shop and school in Anchorage and I started as a client of his. I got used to paying twice as much for my haircuts and became a regular client. I wasn’t afraid to buy from him because I knew that it would develop a great relationship. So I went every week for a haircut and became one of their favorite customers. The lesson here is that too many people are afraid to spend money to market themselves. Marketing costs money like living costs air. If you don’t market yourself, just like if you don’t breathe, you will die.

#2 Ask. I was in a transition in my business and had just torn it down to ground zero twice in the last 12 months to build it correctly. I didn’t have certainty and didn’t have everything figured out on how my business would work, what our main services would be, or really even what the sales cycle would look like. But I asked for an appointment anyways. I followed up and got my meeting and stated my intention to work with him as a client.

#3 Overpromise and overdeliver. I told this client that I would not be like any other financial person he had met before. My products are different than others, I am more valuable, and I will follow up and provide value more than any others. The bar is set pretty low in the financial services industry since most people prospect you in a covert fashion, spend 4 hours with you, sell you life insurance and investments, follow up maybe 2 or 3 times after the sale, and then quit the industry 3-5 years later. I set the bar high and delivered. I not only delivered on the products and services, but I involved him in a private mastermind group, co-founded a non-profit with him, and introduced dozens of new clients to his business. In fact, since working with us, in the last 12 months they have seen their revenue double!

#4 Go back for the second sale. The best way to gauge how happy a client is with you services is whether or not they will buy more. No rating system or customer survey is better than a person coming back for seconds. In fact, a customer can say great things about me and if they aren’t willing to buy again, I know there is something that wasn’t handled for them. I make it my responsibility to go back and get my client involved in more and more of my services. I did that with this client. He owns just about everything I offer. You need to know your sales cycle and have a strategy, but this affirms the relationship to a much higher level.

#5 Show up and stay relevant. I went to literally every event I could with this client. In fact, the award I was given was at the end of a back to school backpack drive they just finished, giving away dozens of backpacks to kids here in Anchorage. People cannot love your business if they don’t know about it or if they have forgotten about it. This is your responsibility not theirs. I knew this guy was busy and he didn’t have time for me and so I made sure to keep myself in his face and in his business so that I would always be present and always be on his mind.

These 5 steps will work with any business, any product and any service.

This client of mine, is Shawn Idom, of Hair Science Barber Shop and Barber school in Anchorage, AK. To view his website click here. Shawn has been in business for 10 years and build the #1 barber shop in the city from scratch. The quality of cut and the level of service is unparalleled and it has become a part of my week that I look forward to the most. Not only that, Shawn trains his barbers and students on Cardone University. His barbers are drilling scripts, making calls, and learning how to sell. It is my pleasure to serve them and see them grow! You see, even in this article I am going out of my way to promote their business. This is the way it has got to be!

If you would like coaching and a plan to grow your business like I’ve been able to do for Shawn and Hair Science so you too can see a 100% increase in revenue, click here.

Own Your Potential,

Jerry Fetta

Grant Cardone Certified Coach

Jerry Fetta helps his clients build wealth so that they can eradicate poverty in their own lives and own their potential.

He believes scarcity and abundance cannot co-exist and that the way to end poverty is to help you build wealth.

You were not created to spend 40+ hours per week serving the 40-year-to-life sentence trading your precious time for money just to live in mediocrity.

However, the truth is that time and money must be exchanged. It just doesn’t need to be you making the exchange.

Jerry helps his clients create wealth that exchanges time and money on their behalf. The only way to do this is to make more money, keep it, and then multiply it.

He has helped clients double their income, save $100,000 tax-free, and secure 8-12% fixed annual returns on their assets.

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