I entirely agree with that and so does the medical profession which is why we are now seeing a distinction between sex and gender. But it is far more complex than 'what is your sex' for the numerous reasons I mentioned above, but with regards specifically to your stance of medical doctors needing a clear cut answer, there is no such thing as a clear cut situation so a clear cut answer wont do it either.
"Alyson J. McGregor, MD, is an attending physician at Rhode Island Hospital and the director for the division of sex and gender in emergency medicine at the Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University. A person’s “sex” refers to the biological differences between men and women. This biological effect is defined by men’s and women’s sex chromosomes, XX for female and XY for male. These sex chromosomes are within all of the cells in the body and influence health and disease. For instance, if women and men smoked the same number of cigarettes, women are more susceptible to airflow obstruction (COPD/emphysema) because they have smaller airways on average then men. “Gender” refers to the different roles and values that men and women may have in society. This can also have dramatic effects on health. For instance, in Liberia, 75 percent of those infected with Ebola are women. This is largely due to the fact that women are more often caretakers for the sick in this region, which places them at higher risk of contracting the infectious agent."
Distinguishing between sex and gender is important, but doctors do also need to know for the exact example above how a person identifies regardless of their sex too, because gender roles have specific risk's and if you're adopting that gender role you need to be viewed in context of those risk factors too.
I really do not mean any offence here, I sincerely hope you have not taken any. I just feel that sometimes the media like to portray things in a very simplified manner so that they can form an opinion for you, it's just far more complex than that. This video clip in particular is the media grabbing onto one absolute extreme example and using that to represent a group of people. I don't agree with that mother in particular, but I can see that as a mother she is trying to protect her child from the pain she has endured, and that's only natural for a parent. That specific case is extreme, yes, and that particular child might be confused as it grows up yes, but that alone does not represent the whole topic you have discussed.
If it was as simple as you portray it to be then we would not see leading medical professionals and institutions spending money researching the issue and evolving with it.
"The Department of Emergency Medicine at Rhode Island Hospital has the first of its kind Division of Sex and Gender in Emergency Medicine (SGEM) dedicated to conducting the research needed to discover differences in men and women in emergent conditions as well as designing educational programs that teach this new knowledge to the health care providers as well as the patients."
Great post none the less, you absolutely do raise a very valid point. I am merely trying to show you the flip side, not trying to get you to change your mind, it's not my place to do so. If this gave you anymore understanding then great, if it didn't then that's ok too. :)
Yep thats cool, like I said, anybody can do what they like to themselves, on the condition that they are not forcing someone else to do something they dont want to do. That is to say; no special treatment, no I must be called this or that, no I'm a minority give me public funds and no forcing me to play along with their charade. I am about freedom and choice.
I will never consider this person to be what they identify as, I will only ever consider this person to be a man, likely with a mental illness or trying a publicity stunt. Probably the former.
I will disagree on one point and that is the need to know gender roles (in the west). Because in the west at least, a person is free to choose what ever they want to do regardless of gender, and an assumption on their role, based on gender should not be made (and cannot be accurate). Their roles can be determined on a case by case basis. Gender is no longer required.
No thats not what I said. I said gender roles does not need to be known. The roles can be determined on a case by case basis, not assumed because of ones gender.
You're way off, but keep trying.
No its my opinion.
Cherry picking my comment again? Trying to elude that I am suggesting he be committed? The only thing suggested is that he needs professional help. You are wrong once again @baah, who is hanging themselves with their own logic?
I understand that you think that you are doing the world a favour but now you are just trolling.
Haha bud you hanged yourself. Youndid cherry pick the last line. You lost this one.
Mate, you making yourself look stupid. You don't need to know "gender roles", because gender roles are assumed by the gender and might be wrong. You need to know their roles, which needs to be determined on a case by case basis.
You're shit at this bud.
The role of being an engineer can be held by either gender, lol. If you don't know what the patients role is, you can ask and they will tell you, "oh I'm an engineer".haha
Burned again