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RE: Psychotherapist Doesn't Understand Self Awareness

in #awareness8 years ago

Its foolish not to explore extremes and absolutes (please never try to build a bridge). Why would I defend a man accused of being liar? It is indefensible. I will assert that all human beings lie. The quote also asserts something which may not be totally accurate, however useful in understanding ones dependence on the "illusion of their identity" or more accurately why we create illusions to identify with. Isaac Newton has developed ideas which assert occurrences which are also inaccurate, however they are useful for designing bridges. If someone did not try to understand the extreme of Isaac Newtons theories, we wouldn't have realised they are inaccurate.

If we look at the sentence you take issue with.

This gives great comfort. One takes comfort, security, in any form of illusion.

You would have to give me an example of an illusion, that one can identify with, that does not give some level of comfort or some level of security. People have illusions of loved ones suffering all the time, so that they can take comfort in them being a victim. There is a whole industry built around the illusion of suffering.
