The Efficiency of Joy Part 3

in #awareness7 years ago

Audio Reading:

Continued from Part 2:

"No matter how poorly I express myself and communicate, always there is that perception and conviction from everyone here that my Intent is good, no matter what I do. I can do no wrong!" Ursula almost shouted that last realisation. "That's HUGE!"

"Yes it is," Biella grinned fiercely. "The glue which binds us," she quoted.

Ursula sobered some, but maintained her joy, "It goes deeper, I have seen how you deal with visitors, like the delegates. You, the New Nobility, have this conviction of assumption of good intent from others. It's a force really, the way it comes from you. But... it's NOT naive." Ursula had not specifically been aware of this before. "Underlying your choice to maintain this insistence on ascribing good intent to others, even those you don't yet know, is a sober realistic awareness of the possibilities involved."

"Yes, and...?"

Ursula nearly responded from old habit with, "and what?" but had learned the marvels of More, there was always More...

"Aaaannnd... ..." Ursula hammed up the drawn out and. Holding it for what seemed a full minute, while she thought.

Biella loved Ursula's histrionics, a completely new side to her which had emerged on Nobelia. She waited happily.

"Hmm, I'm thinking of how it would be for me here if you for instance doubted me, or, horrors, for some reason came to believe I had mal-intent of some kind." Ursula stopped, paled at the thought, "That would be extremely upsetting. Oh, that would be horrible indeed." Ursula frowned, "I assume, now that I think of our conversation earlier, this applies in some way to the Young Man."

"Yes exactly. His unrelenting good intent was not, unfortunately, simply accepted. And not because there weren't those that didn't have this way of thinking and belief, but because of the complexity, especially the relative complexity, of how he thought and interacted. Typically he would be hyper-involved in whatever it was he immersed himself in, even when, as was typical, he had multiple interests simultaneously. He would come from perspectives and positions which often were far removed, and thus somewhat incomprehensible, making for problematic communications. The climate of..."

Ursula jumped in, knowing Biella enjoyed when she fleshed out such discernments, demonstrating her own understanding, a sophisticated application of TakeAway Ursula especially enjoyed. "The climate, yes, if there isn't a climate of automatically assuming good intent, then, when there is lack of understanding, and confusion, some might default to a negative belief of motivation. If they couldn't see how it made sense or see the good, they could easily assume it "must be" not-good."

Ursula paused briefly, adding in her own and, before Biella could. "And this assumption of not-so-good intent could lead to a vicious circle. Ugh, I'm thinking what would happen here if you for instance were to somehow believe I was acting in some way without good intent. That would stress me no end. And, well, if you thought that in the first place, then you would be already open to being affected by my stress and consequent nor-so-positive energies, leading to a downward spiral. Oh dear, that would be most most horrible with you. I can't think of anything worse."

Biella could feel Ursula's distress at the thought. "It's particularly horrible when it "shouldn't" be. Like between us. It just goes against everything that is right and Makes Sense, and well, against everything we are. I take it you had mis-assumption of your Intent regularly in your previous life, but, since it was expected, and from those who did so, it was not unexpected. It was what it was, a part of the interaction and you made allowance and adjusted appropriately. But here..." Biella shuddered.

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Continuing, she added, "The New Nobility are acutely aware of the dangers and horrors of "should," but this does not mean they cannot also use it positively. One such assumed "should." among the New Nobility, is unrelenting assumption of Good Intent. It's not really so much a "Should," as it is a conscious choice. A profound choice which has become entrenched habit. That "should," really applies in this instance to how the Universe works, at least with how we have come to know it does with the New Nobility. Some things are just fact to us now. That absolute knowing of the Good Intent of the New Nobility is one such knowing."

"Yes it is," Ursula agreed soberly, connecting now to the Young Man's problem. "How did he deal with that non-assumption of good intent in him, when he encountered it?

"According to him, poorly." Biella's empathy for the Young Man was palpable. "But, I have much to read yet in the extensive writings you discovered and gifted me. I have something to share which I have put together from the fragmented documents."

A Simple Story...

Continued in Part 4: (Conclusion)

Excerpted from: The Biella Series. (For Comments) All Subscribe Options: (RSS Feed & email)