awesome words

in #awesome7 years ago (edited)

- If life is not difficult to get out of the stomach of our mothers cry

If life was a rose, everyone would be able to breathe its nectar

- Do not imagine all the people angels and your dreams collapse and do not make your confidence blind, because you will cry on your naiveté

- Childhood period of life lived by man at the expense of others

- A piece of bread is not an important thing, but nevertheless it is worth everything for a starving homeless person

- What is nicer that a man weeps and smiles on his lips and laughs and tears in his eyes

- If you have a strong memory .. And bitter memories, you are the toughest people of the earth

- Do not be like the summit of the mountain people see young people and see them small

- You should not say everything you know .. But you should know everything you say

- Do not spit in the well; you might drink from it one day

- When the apple fell everyone said that the apple fell only one .. He said why fell ??

- It is not hard to sacrifice for a friend .. But it is hard to find a friend who deserves to sacrifice!

- Life is full of stones do not stumble upon them, but collect them and the son of a ladder to go up to success

- Do not underestimate the drop

- He who is in love with him is a wise person, and whoever kills others is insane

- A person may sell something that he has inherited ... but he does not sell a heart that he likes

- At the moment you feel you are a person in this world while there is someone in the world who feels you are the whole world

- If I love you a million I am with them .. And if I love you one is me .. If no one loves you .. Please know that I am dead

- If he rode from behind you .. Know you are in the front

- Who loved God saw everything beautiful

My life, which I live like coffee, which I drink on a lot, what is the time

- Friendship as a parachute whenever the road grows the more the need for it

- Let us like Asami to change time

- It is enough to love one heart to live

- Everything if there are many licenses except literature, if there is a lot

- Everything starts small and then grows up only the misfortune they start big and then smaller

- Conscience is a quiet voice. he told you that someone is looking at you

 It is not a shame to fall .. But the disadvantage is that you can not rise.

- It is better for a person to regret what he did, than to regret what he did not do.

- It is not hard to sacrifice for a friend but it is hard to find a friend who deserves sacrifice.

- The key to failure is to try to please everyone you know.

- Who loved God, saw everything beautiful.

- Most people hurt us are the people we gave them all our confidence, because they know the secrets we use against us the day we disagree with them.

- Fruit tree is attacked by people.

- The losers say: Success is just a process of luck.

- Those who have the courage to face failure, are the ones who conquer the odds and succeed.

- It is not titles that win glory, but people who win titles glory.

- tact is the ability to describe others as they see themselves.

- The success dictionary does not contain my words if and but.

- An enemy stab bleeds the body while a friend stab bleeds the heart.

- Three guests come without a prior appointment (love, luck, death)

- Jealousy is the convergence of the voice of emotion in the voice of the storm.

- There are people swimming in the direction of the ship and there are people wasting their time waiting.

- Truth is the only thing people do not believe.

- Marriage collection, subtraction, multiplication and pre-division.

-Do not spit in the well; you might drink from it one day.

- The optimist is the man who leaves his car and is waiting for his wife when she enters a store to buy one of the needs.

- Life is full of stones, do not stumble upon them, but collect them and build a ladder to climb it towards success.

- Friendship as a parachute whenever the rain increases the more the need for it.

- Everything if there are many licenses except literature, if there is a lot.

- The most honest sadness is a smile with tearful eyes.

- The smile does not cost anything, but it means a lot.

- that all the discoveries and inventions that we see in the present, was judged before discovery or invention as: impossible.

- The losers divide into two parts: Department thinks without implementation, and the section is implemented without thinking.

- Endless friendships (women in their mirror, the reader with his book, the hypocrite with the shoe of his hypocrite).

- Happiness to be your Koran Anisk and your work is your hobby and treasure your conviction.

- Happiness fragrance can not be sprayed on around you without being attached to your drops.

If you want to be happy with people, treat them with what you want to be treated.

- Many people believe that all pleasure is fleeting, but they believe that every sorrow is permanent, they believe in the death of pleasure, and they disbelieve in the death of sorrow.

- The first thing you take from this world is air thirst and the last thing you leave the world exhalation of air! This is justice: You are returning what you took.

- I was crying because I walk without shoes! But I stopped crying,

When I saw a man without feet so: always say thank God for everything.

- If you can not live optimism, do not force those around you to live your frustrations.

- Do not imagine people angels fall down your dreams and do not make your confidence blind people because you will cry one day on your naiveté

- Intelligence limits but no limits to stupidity.

I hope you like it