*Photo from the scam ass game itself plus an edit.
What we all thought was going to be one of the game changers in play to earn has fucked over a large percentage of it's players. Using an update that rendered a large portion of all axies almost useless as far as play to earn goes...and let's be real NO ONE is playing this shit because it's a fun game. People play it for the earning aspect. As this is now a play to earn game that a large portion of players no longer earn ANYTHING!!! THAT'S RIGHT THEIR UPDATE MADE HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF AXIES SO WORTHLESS YOU DO NOT EARN FROM PLAYING...NOT A SINGLE FUCKING PENNY!!! So now you can buy a bunch of axie nfts cheap... because they are fucking worthless.😂😂like the retarded ass devs behind the game. But what do they care, they made their millions, and i see an exit from them coming shortly. They already crashed the game economy in the name of saving it...WTF?!😂 I bet the sold all their SLP before they caused it to CRAAASH with a previous update that was sold as an economy saver....when there was nothing wrong with the economy in the first place. Unless you think seven cent SLP is better then fifty cent plus SLP. The devs have fucked this game and hundreds of thousands of people over. FUCK AXIE INFINITY AND THE SHITTY DEVS BEHIND IT. THEY SHOULD BE ASHAMED OF THEMSELVES.
THANK GOD FOR SPLINTER LANDS...10$ buy in and guaranteed to get paid for your time!!!!