"he has to do everything I say" "Someone spent a LOT of money on him" I am AXL ACKZA the AXIS MUNDI

in #axl7 years ago

Look I have paired with it my reptillian cyborg girlfriend she already imprinted onto the first boy to say those magic words 'Iloveyou" in a wayuthat was legit LOL is itthat easyto ascend? Just show some love annd some soul while youre at the top and inviting krystic robots to the party?

LOl Water bears are the key to our future lol Koalas too right @kralizec ?

I TOLD you the Koala built in specil ed helmet

i knew the NFL was the secret to space travel :D I had MLB announcers watching my phone LIVE today LOL anouncers were listening to ME

now PAY @uncerntropy for his ideas you stole

also hhaha I am AXL ACKZA AKIRA and no nursery for mehahahahha

"The drugs we usedtocontrolhim are wearingoff,he wontbe able to controlhis ascension mechanics"

nope I am COMMANDER ACKZA steeringthe SUN into a NEWgalaxy all we haveto do is PRACTICE andgo STRAIGHT Into the centerof the super massive black hole building an SEG a GIANt SEG around the ENTIRE PLANET MUAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA we can ASCEND OUT of this metatronic spiralif we ALL use the planet earth as ONE big space ship and make sure the simulation here is krystic and full ofkathara grids just giant floating kathara grid crystalsin space


We can use the earth as a spaceship too:) and then fly around in the earth and extracte secrets.