Ayunando, Fasting

in #ayunando7 years ago


Hace algunos años, ya no recuerdo cuantos, estaba en la universidad en canada, y me entere, por una noticia en los noticieros, en la television, de una señora de 70 años que tenia la apariencia de una niña como de 13 o 14 años de la india, la historia decia que esa mujer nunca habia comido nada solido, toda su vida solo tomo agua, yo pense que eso no podia ser, y decidi investigar. en esa epoca no era como ahora que entras en google e investigas lo que quieras, ya todo esta en internet, claro el positivo y el negativo, de cada caso, asi que tienes que tener un poco de intuicion, mas bien un mucho pues los cientificos pueden probarte cientificamente que algo es bueno como tambien que es malo como la antigua escuela de filosofia en grecia que hacia lo mismo con ideas., los sofistas con sus tecnicas llamadas eristicas, procedimiento retorico que enseñaba la capacidad de sostener indiferentemente el pro y el contra de cualquier tesis, los sofistas. mi pensamiento fue que eso no podia ser verdad, pero siempre he tenido el deseo de llegar a la verdad y asi fue como hice mi primer ayuno que finalmente solo tardo 3 semanas. pero fue increible, estaba viviendo en una universidad como interno y nuesta cocina era el mas delicioso bufet que puedas imaginar, pues en esta universidad habian gentes de 55 paises y algunos eran muy importantes, politicos y religiosos, mi ayuno fue increible el primer dia fue normal, cuando me daba hambre tomaba agua, y siempre andaba con mi botella de agua, el segundo dia moria de hambre, no queria acercarme al comedor, el tercer dia, estaba desesperado no queria tomar agua me costaba, queria comer lo que sea, solido, pero me empuje el agua a la fuerza, estaba decidido a conseguirlo, y cuando amanecio el tercer dia, todo era diferente, no tenia hambre, no me interesaba la comida, el agua estaba deliciosa, refrescante, y empece a sentirme super bien, asi pasaron los dias, ya podia acompañar a mis compañeros al comedor, y aunque todos estaban preocupados y trataban de hacerme comer carne, llego el momento que se acostumbraron y solo querian saber que estaba pasando. Y asi cada dia me senti mejor, mi mente empezo a tener una claridad insospechada, podia ver la verdad de cada situacion y sabia lo que pasaba en los asuntos diarios, mi memoria estaba impresionante y todos decian que estaba rejuveneciendo. tienes 10 años menos me decian, y yo contestaba , me ves cara de niño¨? algunos pensaron que me tenia que estar debilitando y me retaron a varios ejercicios entre ellos carreras, siempre fui el mas rapido y menos agitado, hasta que un dia 3 semanas despues dije., creo que es posible vivir solo de agua, pero a mi me encanta comer, asi que lo siento pero se acabo. y me fui al bufet, me servi un plato enorme con un poco de todo, y saben, no pude comer mas que un poquito y no habia espacio para mas. y desde eso, no he vuelto a sentir hambre, como porque me encanta comer, frijoles arroz cremas de cacahuate, de semilla de calabaza, de ajonjoli, de semilla de girasol etc.verduras, frutas,germinados, buena alimentacion. tengan cuidado en las teorias y las creencias. mejor sigan lo que sienten, que te gusta? que te encanta? y no seas goloso, come para vivir no vivas para comer, pon atencion y trata de ser lo mas natural que puedas y disfrutalo y se feliz.


Some years ago, I do not remember how many, I was in college in Canada, and I found out, by news in the news, on television, of a 70-year-old lady who had the appearance of a girl as of 13 or 14 years old. from India, the story said that the woman had never eaten anything solid, her whole life just took water, I thought that could not be, and decided to investigate. at that time it was not like now that you go into google and investigate what you want, and everything is on the internet, the positive and negative, of each case, so you have to have a little intuition, rather a lot because the Scientists can scientifically prove that something is good as well as bad as the old school of philosophy in Greece that did the same with ideas, the sophists with their so-called eristic techniques, rhetorical procedure that taught the ability to sustain indifferently the pro and the against of any thesis, the sophists. My thought was that this could not be true, but I have always had the desire to reach the truth and that's how I did my first fast, which finally took only 3 weeks. but it was incredible, I was living in a university as an intern and our kitchen was the most delicious buffet you could imagine, because in this university there were people from 55 countries and some were very important, political and religious, my fasting was incredible the first day it was Normal, when I was hungry, I would drink water, and I always went with my bottle of water, the second day of hunger, I did not want to go to the dining room, the third day, I was desperate I did not want to drink water, I wanted to eat anything, solid, but I pushed the water by force, I was determined to get it, and when dawn the third day, everything was different, I was not hungry, I was not interested in food, the water was delicious, refreshing, and I started to feel super good , so the days went by, I could already accompany my companions to the dining room, and although everyone was worried and tried to make me eat meat, it came the time they got used to it, and just wanted to know what was happening. And so every day I felt better, my mind began to have an unsuspected clarity, I could see the truth of each situation and I knew what was happening in daily affairs, my memory was impressive and everyone said I was rejuvenating. You are 10 years younger, and I answered, do I look like a child? Some thought that I had to be weakening and they challenged me to several exercises among them races, I was always the fastest and least agitated, until one day after 3 weeks I said., I think it is possible to live only on water, but to me I love eating, so I'm sorry but it's over. and I went to the buffet, I served a huge plate with a bit of everything,you know, I could not eat more than a little and there was no room for more. and since then, I have not felt hungry again, I love to eat rice beans, peanut butter, pumpkin seed, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, etc., vegetables, fruits, sprouts, good food. Be careful with theories and beliefs. better follow what you feel, what do you like? what you love? and do not be greedy, eat to live not live to eat, pay attention and try to be as natural as you can and enjoy it and be happy