Do you have bad breath problem.

in #ayurveda8 years ago (edited)

Ayurvedic solution.

Many of us having this problem and because of this problem we feel awkward in fron of people.
But this problem has a solution and that is given in ayurveda.


Follow these simple steps and the problem will be gone.

1.Proper cleaning of teeths with neem paste.

2.Wash mouth with neem bark powder dissolved in water a couple of times a day.

3.Green cardamon is a good mouth freshner.

4.The decoction of corinder can be used as a mouth wash.

5.The gargles of cold decoction of aloevera mixed with honey.

Thank you.


In Ayurveda as a part of the morning routine, tongue scrapping and oil pulling would also take care of this bad breathe issue. Good post and lets spread the knowledge of Ayurveda to the world.