Hi! Nice article.
I'm a newbie and something isn't clear to me:
After i transfered on my wallet, i will be rewarded also if i turn off my pc or wallet should be always active?
I have 33k b3 on Cryptopia, so unless i will not transfer from Cryptopia to my wallet (exe downloaded from http://b3coin.net/ right?) i will not be rewarded?
Other case: the example you say can turn to 300,000/750,000$ what can turn if i leave them on cryptopia?
Many thanks
you will only stake when coins are in wallett, sry 4 delay lol. furthermore you need a sustantial amount approx 50 million coins to stake solo to even have chance at rewards. You can join either pools through discord to get the 25% daily average! currently block 78,300 so untill 80k!!!
use coinexchange now cryptopia down https://www.coinexchange.io/?r=a95d8ce5