Landing Gear Lever Will Not Move Up After Takeoff

in #b7377 years ago

P6-3B Gear Lever Lock Solenoid “LATCH & PRESS WARN” “AIR/GND RELAY”
P6-3D Air/Gnd Relay “AIR/GND RELAY”

  • This NNC applies to the Landing Gear Lever! If the Landing Gear Lever moves UP, but the Landing Gear remains down, go to [GEAR DISAGREE]
  • In combination with an engine failure on takeoff, pull Landing Gear Override Trigger by recall in order t meet second segment requirements!
  • Prior to executing the NNC, verify that the Gear Lever Lock Solenoid (located just behind the F/O’s left shoulder) has not tripped!

Determination of which system has failed is based on the sounding of the (takeoff) Configuration Warning Horn when flpas are selected UP:

This condition indicates a dual Air/Gnd system failure or the Ground Spoiler Interlock Valve that failed to close when the airplane got airborne.

Indications that both Air/Gnd systems have failed are :

  • Autothrottle remains in [THR HOLD]

  • No wind indicationon the ND

  • TCAS FAIL message

  • Status code 38 on the ISdu (select HDG/STS)

  • Takeoff speeds on the FMC Takeoff page are not cleared when airborne

  • No AUTO BRAKE DISARM amber light with autobrakes in RTO and thrust levers in idle. Selecting autobrakes to RTO in flight causes the AUTO BRAKE DISARM amber light to illuminate. If the amber light does not illuminate with the thrust levers in idle, the airplane is still in GND.

  • Leave the landing gear down and land at the nearest suitable airport

  • Verify if your SOP allow an overweight landing for this malfunction

  • If you cannot return to the departure field and your takeoff alternate is a long way to go, consider retracting the landing gear anyway by pulling the override trigger. Do not use FMC fuel predictions with the landing gear extended!

Pulling the will only silence the warning, all systems remain in GND mode. Autobrakes are inoperative.

Do not use the speedbrakes in flight, because ground spoilers deploy with the aircraft in GND mode.

Failure of Landing Gear Lever Lock Solenoid Mechanism

  • The override trigger may be pulled and the landing gear can be selected UP. Wait until all lights extinguish prior to placing the Gear Lever from UP in OFF.
  • Continue normal flight to destination (or return to home base) keeping in mind that you need maintenance after landing. There is no MEL item, so NOGO.
  • Use standard Descent, Approach and Landing Checklists.

Two Air/Gnd Systems monitor the compression of the landing gear shock struts. Two compressed sensors are on each landing gear. One sensor sends inputs to Air/Gnd System 1 and the othersensor sends inputs to Air/Gnd System 2. Sensor signals go to the PSEU. The two Air/Gnd Systems in the PSEu monitor signals from the sensors in the related Air/Gnd System.

The PSEU then sends Air/Gnd discrete signals and sigals to operate Air/Gnd Relays.

The “click” you hear on each takeoff (when the main landing gear gets airborne) is caused by the Landing Gear Lever Lock Solenoid Mechanism moving to its unlocked position. This mechanism, located behind the cneter forward panel, prevents accidental movement of the Landing Gear Lever to the UP position when the airplane is on ground.
This “click” is therefore an aural confirmation that the airplane is in AIR mode! Most pilots don’t pay attention to this sound, just listen to it on your next takeoff!


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