Hai sahabat steemit...
Sudah dua hari ini saya dalam keadaan waspada, karena saat ini saya dan istri saya lagi menunggu kehadiran keluarga istimewa yaitu kehadiran sang buah hati.
Hi friend steemit ...
I have been alert for two days, because now my wife and I are waiting for the presence of a special family that is the presence of the baby.
Kehadiran keluarga istimewa tidak lain tidak bukan ialah kelahiran anak kami yang ketiga, kenapa saya bilang istimewa, karrna sebelumnya kami suadah dianugerahi dua orang anak laki-laki dan kini kami akan dianugerahi anak perempuan.
The presence of a special family is none other than the birth of our third child, why I say special, karrna before us we were given two boys and now we will be awarded a daughter.
Selama sembilan bulan kami tidak melakukan USG sama dokter, akhirnya kemaren kami melakukan pemeriksaan ke dokter kandungan, Alhamdulillah keadaan bayi sehat dan normal tapi kami disuruh kembali tanggal 16 Maret 2018 untuk di periksa kembali dan akan diambil tindakan.
For nine months we did not do the same doctor ultrasound, finally yesterday we did the examination to the obstetrician, Alhamdulillah the state of healthy and normal babies but we were told back on March 16, 2018 to be checked again and will be taken action.
Mohon doa dari semua sahabat stemian dimana pun kalia berada. Terimakasih
Please pray from all steemian friends wherever you are. Thank you
Sneaky Ninja Attack! You have just been defended with a 2.78% upvote!
I was summoned by hadikrisi. I have done their bidding and now I will vanish…
Sneaky Ninja is a very responsible bot, working directly with steemcleaners, actively pursuing spam and abuse on our platform. If you would like to see what steps Sneaky Ninja has taken to fight bid bot abuse see this post and this post. Also know that I am working daily on other solutions.
If you would like to know my personal take on bid bot abuse and why I do not agree with the 3.5 day rule, see this postP.S. If you or anyone you know has been a victim of @grumpycat please know that he has been harming people throughout Sōsharumedia (ソーシャルメディア). Stealing the service that I (and other bots) have provided them and hiding behind a facade of stopping bid bot abuse which he clearly has no interest in.
Grumpycat is a villain that must be stopped to protect our freedoms here on steemit!
There is a resistance that has formed to counter his tyranny.
If you would like to take an active role in stopping this menace and helping other victims like yourself...
Learn More Here
I have also summoned my love, Kusari to offer some limited help to victims like you.
See Here
I will follow you and hope you follow me too so we can support each other and vote up