Our boy is 4 months old today!! Time flies by!
Likes: milk, putting everything in his mouth, especially fingers and now a toe or two, naps, cuddles, balloons, his bouncer, smiling, bath time, car rides, lights, the cars outside, walks and watching doggie sister Kanie.
Dislikes: waiting too long for milk, sitting in the car seat (until it is moving), being overly tired
New milestones: finding feet and toes, rolling over from back to tummy, holding the bottle (with mommy’s help), watching mom and dad eat (maybe ready for some food!)
so cute and so sweet, The bond that links your true family is not one of blood, but of respect and joy in each others life,those we love dont go away they walk besides us every day unseen,unheard but always still loved still missed and very dear..
i love children and i also loved your baby hes so cute..
stay blessed and have a joyfull life with your baby
Thank you and thank you for reading!
pleasure is always mine
Happy 4 months!!
Thanks! ;)