Activities of Locals in Ulan Baator - Mongolia!

in #backpacking8 years ago (edited)


I did not like the capital of Mongolia. One reason was the architecture, just huge concrete buildings, very dreary. I am wondering what people usually do in Ulan Baator and what are the interests of them? After talking to some locals in Ulan Baator I got to know some informations about Genghis Kan. People over there still admire him and he is and will be a hero in Mongolia.

Huge Genghis Kan statue in Ulan Baator

He was a Khan of the Mongols who united the Mongol tribes and conquered large parts of Central Asia and North China. His reign as the first major khan of the Mongols lasted from 1206 to 1227. He united the Mongol tribes of today's central and northern Mongolia and led them to victory against several neighboring countries. After being the Grandkhan of the Mongols, he began to conquer further territories in the east to the Japanese Sea and in the west to the Caspian Sea. You will find a picture of him in every Mongolian Yurt.

It is a must to take a photo of him, according to my local guide

KARAOKE, yes Karaoke :P You can find it everywhere! In general I am a bit shy to sing in front of an audience. Ok, I wanted to eat the frog and get over it. After getting into a karaoke room I realized I have not to be shy, cause Karaoke in Mongolia is just a small room, with a TV, Microphone and a table. You can order some food and choose your songs to sing. The audience are just your friends. In one karaoke building there are usually up to 5 karaoke rooms. I was pretty relieved not to sing in front of unknown people. It was pretty funny, we were dancing on the table and my first song was "Que Sera Sera, will I be pretty, will I be rich :D"!

Typical Karaoke Room in Ulan Baator

I am sorry, did not made any other pics. I had been in nirvana and just sang my soul out :)

Parking Style in Ulan Baator

Maybe you or I would get crazy to wait for the person to drive his shitty car away. We had to wait two hours to be able to drive out of our parking gap. Mongolians are pretty patient and did not swear even one time. Maybe this acting is just usual :D

My kind host showed me her traditional Mongolian Coat

Many Mongolians have a traditional horse head violin at home

My view out of my window

I slept with my travel mate Petra and the daughter of my host in one bed. It was very tight but at least you learn how to share place :D

Bildschirmfoto 2017-05-25 um 21.06.29.png


I preferred to drive back to the countryside

See you soon! Big Hug Lena <3 <3


Thank for share.. add my knowledge bout genghis khan

you are welcome :) thanks for reading :)

As usual very nice post and pictures with a historical story of Genghis khan. He was really a great emperor and it is believed that substantial proportion of men in the world are direct line descendants of Genghis Khan, 1 in 200 men are direct descendants of Genghis Khan.

thank you very much :) yes I heard about that too :D

Nice pictrures of an exotic travel destination!

That Karaoke room reminded me of one of my favorite movies. Maybe you know it, it´s with Bill Murray and called "Lost in Translation".

thank you very much :) ah :) I heard about the film but I did not watch it, maybe I should :) wish you nice evening :)

Great post again @lenatramper. The mongolian people seems so friendly from what you tell :)

they are friendly but shy people, but this is no negative :)

I am happy to hear what you think about us. i hope you will visit in our country. it welcome to all of you guys :)Hello Dear @cryptodan i am from Mongolia. :)

I'm planning a trip to Asia next year, so maybe I will visit your country then :)Thank you @davaabayardd

Сайн уу Монголоо ккк.

Keep all the great post coming.Great post @lenatramper Lots of pictures and info/story line. I feel like I went and had a visit ;-)

thank you very much :))) wish you a nice evening :)

Thank you for sharing @lenatramper 👌🏼

thanks :) you are welcome !!

Wow !
Beautiful shots!
Those green hills look so wonderful and the air looks so fresh!