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RE: Proud owner of my first car, aged 42 🚗

Many happy miles of driving, let the tar roll out before you and enjoy the adventure.

Age is but a number, but it is easier when younger being slightly more reckless.

Good excuse, why have a car in a country with excellent network in trains and buses.

You had to find a good place to use lovely photography memories, or worried your daughter will arrive and have to drive you around town...

Whatever the reason, congrats and good luck with sorting our all the rest you have lined up to worry about already... Know I could never afford the tyres on a Lambo!


....your daughter will arrive and have to drive you around town.

I really hope this happens in the future!

Thank you Joan :)

I'm sure this will happen in time, for now keep driving it gets easier, confidence eventually arrives when least expected.

Have yourself a wonderful Friday!